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duo2 or messiah 2
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1. July 2004 @ 09:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The freezing issue seems to be common with a Matrix Infinity. I think its the chip. Does it do the same thing on the V4 with a 3.1 in it?

"From the ashes, comes the GamePhoenix......"
11. July 2004 @ 09:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok here is the deal ,he told me he can fix my ps2 v7 just send it 2 him ok, i wait a week he e-mail me back saying it was done that 2 send the money paypal so i send him the money he said he got the money and he will send it out on monday now three weeks later i keep e-mail him and nothing no answer or anything his e-mail is and he has a legit website is do not do any buying or trading 2 him untill i get this work out just warning you guys
12. July 2004 @ 10:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Pheonix is this true? I would like to hear the his side of story. O.O Partly because I was going to purchase a premodded PS2 from him.

Junior Member
12. July 2004 @ 20:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Pheonix is this true? I would like to hear the his side of story. O.O Partly because I was going to purchase a premodded PS2 from him.
like he's gonna say "yea i ripped him off". if he ripped someone off do you think he's gonna have that same name and post on these forums. i dont know wat happened but there must be some misunderstandin.
12. July 2004 @ 21:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
daPhoenix looks pretty reliable. I'm like 90% sure this guy is just trying to ruin his business for no good reason because I've seen a few threads (at least 2) on this forum with that exact same paragraph.

However, I'd like to hear what happened from Phoenix's side. Likely its just a misunderstanding or this guy is just a lamer. And the guy didn't even say Phoenix ripped him off, rather that he didn't get anything YET. :]

14. July 2004 @ 13:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol lamer,phoenix wrote on the other forum that he send out my ps2 when he told me he would, but that was 4 weeks ago and he say his dsl was messing up and he will check 2 see what happen 2 my ps2 and why would i come here and lie. i just want my ps2 back you know but he never e-mail me saying anything yet i hope he isn't a ripper
Suspended due to non-functional email address
14. July 2004 @ 19:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have already responded in another thread to him and we have been communicating through e-mail recently. As I stated in the other thread, my DSL was down for about 2 weeks and I had no idea what was going on. I had quite a few pissed off customers who bought but I didnt know about it because of the DSL black out. But all complaints have been addressed and all is well. If anyone has any questions or concerns about me or my business you can e-mail me at or even call me at 623-229-1926.

"From the ashes, comes the GamePhoenix......"
17. July 2004 @ 11:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for clearing that up. It's nice to have peace of mind when purchasing. Thanks for the reply, I'm glad to see everything is getting sorted out.

Senior Member
19. July 2004 @ 13:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have talked with someone with a maxtor 120gb in his ps2 with a messiah 2 pro v1.30 and he says it works fine with the hdd. He burned the free hdloader onto a dvd so it wouldn't freeze at the splash screen but the chip is compatible with the hdd. I know for a fact that the messiah 2 pro v1.30 is not compatible with the official sony ps2 hdd (i have tried it).

PS2 v4 w/ Messiah 2 v1.3
PSP with D_A FW
XBOX 360 Premium (Sammy m28 w/ iXtreme 1.0a)
Novint Falcon Haptics Controller

Sony DRU-510A +/- RW (Nearing the end of its days)
Pioneer D112 +/- RW, +R DL
26. July 2004 @ 17:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I hope I didn't get ripped off. I've left 2 voicemail messages and 3 emails. I purchased 2xPremoded DMS3 PS2 from Game Phoenix. He promised to have them shipped last week, but I've yet to hear back from him.

Potential Buyers - please hold off until he contacts me. I will keep trying to call him... Once I receive my units, I will retract my posts.. but until then - he's got my money.. and I have NO units.
26. July 2004 @ 18:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i know he keep telling me all these problem but still he has not send out my ps2 i'm getting piss
29. July 2004 @ 00:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
He know claims that due to personal problems, he wasnt able to ship my units. So he's going to refund my money. But it will take him a few days to transfer funds from his bank account to paypal.

He has until this Friday otherwise I go straight to the FBI.
Senior Member
29. July 2004 @ 08:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No offence, but the FBI? hahaha, do you know how many countless people get ripped off every day?, this is petty theft, the FBI deals with millions of dollars at a time, not a hundered on something they classify as potentially illegal. You're thinking of the Better Buisness Bureau, which last I checked can't do anything. Either contact PayPal to give you back the money or you're out of luck.....FBI hahahahaha

PS2 v4 w/ Messiah 2 v1.3
PSP with D_A FW
XBOX 360 Premium (Sammy m28 w/ iXtreme 1.0a)
Novint Falcon Haptics Controller

Sony DRU-510A +/- RW (Nearing the end of its days)
Pioneer D112 +/- RW, +R DL
29. July 2004 @ 09:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have already contacted paypal and entered a case #. Also they have a legal phone number whereby I can subpoena all his information when I prosecute. And I will get my own lawyer to take him to small claims court since I know all of his information anyway. Just so you know my relative is an attorney.

You may laugh, but there is a local field office of the FBI in which he lives whereby I can at least file a report. And lastly there is an organization called the Internet Fraud Complaint Center run by the Department of Justice. As you can see I have researched all my options and it will help build my legal case against him. And right now my charges would be fraud and piracy - both which are federal felony charges. At the very least the law enforcement will have a record on him and who knows.. even get a warrant to search his premises for 'illegal' mod chips and ps2s.
Senior Member
29. July 2004 @ 10:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Even for claims ranging in the low thousands attorneys aren't neccesary. That's cool you have a relative who's an attorney, as do I, hell who doesn't? In all fairness there really won't be much of a 'case'. I don't think there is much to go on, but you should have success with the paypal reversal. If you still want to get mod chip stuff, I have had good service with, they have a good reputation. good luck.

PS2 v4 w/ Messiah 2 v1.3
PSP with D_A FW
XBOX 360 Premium (Sammy m28 w/ iXtreme 1.0a)
Novint Falcon Haptics Controller

Sony DRU-510A +/- RW (Nearing the end of its days)
Pioneer D112 +/- RW, +R DL > forums > consoles > ps2 - hardware boot discussion > duo2 or messiah 2

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