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Hdd wont work after One whloe year of no problems
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13. June 2005 @ 18:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I tried to use my HDadvanced today and It just wouldnt boot up. It will go the the playstation 2 screen and the seems as if it is looking for the harddrive, then it will just go to a black screen then back the the browse screen that you use to check your memory cards. Help me please. It looks as if the network adapter is not getting power to the HD because One if i put the HD in my computer I can see the files just fine useing WINHIIP, and two I dont get the orange light flashes any more when I start up the ps2. Am I screwed, do I have to buy a new network adapter or just what? Thanks to anyone who helps.
15. June 2005 @ 12:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It actually sounds like a problem I have with my PS2 on occassion as well. In my case it isn't a problem with the HD but instead it's a problem with the laser. The PS2 recognizes that there is a disc in the drive and so it tries to load it. But for some reason it cannot read the data (cause it's a weak POS laser) and so it goes back to the browser screen. If I clean the laser, it'll work for a while, but then I have the problem again a week or so later. Might wanna try cleaning the laser though.
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15. June 2005 @ 16:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you might want to just buy a new laser according to your version of ps2. The run from 10-40 dollars on ebay

12. July 2005 @ 16:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, I must also comment on this. I got my HDD with my FFXI in April of 2004. One day when the city construction workers knocked the cable out, I got disconnected and so I logged out, and turned my PS2 off. When I came back several hours later, I turned my PS2 on and went to load up the HDD and found that my PS2 won't even load the HDD. The icon won't even appear in the browser screen. Yet I do know the network adapter is working because I could go online in Socom II. I've been looking online for similar problems and so far have found known. I called SE directly and they directed me to Sony since it was Sony hardware. Sony told me that it could be the HDD or the PS2, so I should try to format it in my own PS2, and if that doesn't work, try a friends. If niether works, than it's the HDD that's messed up. The problem is, I sorta lost my format cd and need a copy, or image to burn a copy of. My PS2 is five years old now, the only problem I had was the blue-bottom disc read error which stopped for a couple years. It just started back up when the HDD stopped working. It also takes like ten minutes to read a silver back disc. :( Someone please help me!! I don't want to lose my data on my HDD! > forums > consoles > ps2 - hardware boot discussion > hdd wont work after one whloe year of no problems

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