Are sony CD-R's Good or Bad?
Junior Member
22. June 2005 @ 10:44 |
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I looked on amazon reviews for their CD-R's and alot of bad reviews came up , so I was wondering if they have ever failed for anyone?
AfterDawn Addict
22. June 2005 @ 20:27 |
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I personaly do not like Sony cd-r's
I have nothing but bad experience from these disc's
I use Maxell or TDK CD-r
Junior Member
22. June 2005 @ 21:05 |
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Thanks for the info.
24. June 2005 @ 07:23 |
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Yup, I have to agree with geestar20. I've had nothing but problems with Sony. I think you call it CD Rot. Where the readable layer bubbles up & makes the CD unreadable. I use Maxell, never have any problems with them yet.
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24. June 2005 @ 08:11 |
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Well Ive only had good experiences with Sony CD-R no bubbles nuthin, but I recommend you to buy some samsung (not the pleomax they suck) or smartbuy (long lasting), or some verbs (old good verbs).
By: Paztelu

Junior Member
24. June 2005 @ 08:42 |
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Thanks guys for your help.
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Senior Member
24. June 2005 @ 12:00 |
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Sony CDR's I saw yesterday had the small white rings that CMC (a poor quality CD & DVD maker) uses so I didn't buy them.
I got some Maxell color discs the other day & they tested out as Ritek. Very good discs!
Senior Member
25. June 2005 @ 16:35 |
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Used Sony in the past with no problems. I used them all up. I'll be what's on sale and still have had no problems burning. Maybe just lucky so far.
Senior Member
25. June 2005 @ 17:52 |
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i dont mess with sony.
that's pretty much it.
27. June 2005 @ 19:18 |
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Dont get memorex they are made by CMC mag ARGH!!!!!! CMC mag is one of the worst Disc makers on this earth...
By: Paztelu

Senior Member
27. June 2005 @ 20:25 |
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If the Memorex discs have 2 or 3 small white rings (on the top of the discs) around the spindle then they are made by CMAG. Anything else (like a white foam spacer) then they are made by someone else. There are 2 foam spacers used. One thick & one thinner. One of those is Ritek & the other I don't know.
HP is always CMAG & Imation usually is. If you see the little white rings then don't buy! I can't burn a CMAG faster than 32x without errors so I don't use them anymore.
Another cheap (low grade but better than CMAGs) is Lead Data which are the GQ CDR's from Fry's. They will be priced at $6 (50 pack limit 1) until the 28th.I didn't get them because I have 6 left to burn (out of a 100 pack)plus eight Maxell Riteks & 100 Taiyo Yudens here in my home. All will get burned as audio discs as I use -R DVD's for data discs now & only Taiyo Yuden bought online.
The GQ'a are rated 52x but I can't burn them faster than 40x without errors. The top coating is kinda thin so they tend to scratch more then more expensive discs. I've been burning those GQ's (and will burn other brands) at 16x & they work fine for audio. Better than CMAGs which I couldn't burn (as audio discs) faster than 8x without skipping & scratching sound noise. CDR's for me? Ritek or Taiyo Yuden. Nothing else!
28. June 2005 @ 06:16 |
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Well its true that Memorex disc are made by various manufacturers, but are you sure about that way to determine if CD-R are made by CMC mag?? I have some HP CD-R and they dont have those characteristics you said about the white ring ando so, also the HP DVD-R does not have those white rings, but still maybe that only applies to memorex discs...About imation, I have only seen DVD+R Moseaur Baueur India, DVD-R FujiFilm Japan, and sometimes CD-R are made in india (MBI) so that would not be CMC, but still have you gotten an Imation disc with a CMC code??
By: Paztelu

Senior Member
28. June 2005 @ 06:48 |
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"Well its true that Memorex disc are made by various manufacturers, but are you sure about that way to determine if CD-R are made by CMC mag??"
I've checked (with Plextools) Memorex, HP & Imation discs that have the half inch wide small rings around the hub & they were all made by CMC.
"I have some HP CD-R and they dont have those characteristics you said about the white ring ando so, also the HP DVD-R does not have those white rings, but still maybe that only applies to memorex discs...About imation, I have only seen DVD+R Moseaur Baueur India, DVD-R FujiFilm Japan, and sometimes CD-R are made in india (MBI) so that would not be CMC, but still have you gotten an Imation disc with a CMC code??"
I was only talking about CDR's not DVD + or - discs.
An Imation CDR made by CMC? Not in about 4 months so maybe they have changed manufacturers. Besides I'm hardly buying media in the stores anymore since I can find Taiyo Yuden through 3 online sites & I prefer TY CDR & DVD - media to anything else. Got some Maxell color CDR's (on sale) in a store 2 weeks ago. They were made by Ritek & burned great!
Junior Member
28. June 2005 @ 21:43 |
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Sony CDR's are very bad quality.
Nonetheless their CDRW's are top of the line.
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Senior Member
1. July 2005 @ 23:19 |
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I was given a 15 pack of Sony Audio CDR discs & they all burned fine (as audio discs in my computer) at 32x. The disc ID was Sony. So maybe my Plextor 716-A likes them...
I got a copy of a sermon (also an audio disc) burned on a Sony data disc that ID's as Sony. Unknown burning speed & it alsp plays fine without errors.