Well emulator wise, the best one so far is pcsx2 , you can get it from www.pcsx2.net . It is the closet to having commerical games to work, in fact a few currently o work. FFx does not however and ff12 isnt even out yet lol. Oh well hope i could have helped.
Swap magic is a disk that lets you swap it for the backup, a modchip is a bit of hardware that goes in the ps2, both will allow you to play backups on your ps2 ONLY.
how you get one?
Well you have to buy it form a store, ill rcomend http://www.consolepoint.com , this allows you to use backups on the ps2 AND THATS IT! It wotn allow you to use them on the pc, and i doubt pcsx will a llow you to use it onthe pcuntil next year.