Hi folks, just got a new modchip installed in my v.7 ps2, its a chipmod from modchip.ca, anyways, my ps2 will play backup ps1 games and also original ps2 games but NOT ps2 backups! everything was checked, games were reburnt using diff brands of dvd-r, and I seriously don't know what else to check, someone said to clean the lens or something, would that be an idea??
any thoughts would really be helpful at this point and I thank you again :)
What do you use to backup your games? What media you use? What speed you use to burn? You need to answer those questions first and im sure youll get a lot of help.
sure, and thanks, I tried dvd decryptor and also Alcohol 120%, I have tried both sony dvd-r, memorex dvd-r, and also "crappy" brand dvd-r, I have tried burning at 1x and also 2x, same results, red screen of death I call it
hmm, what about the sony dvd-r that I tried?? were they any good? and even no brand name dvds didn't work, you think thats where the problem lies?? the media name?!?
Hi - wonder if you can help. I installed a PS2 MATRIX INFINITY SE MOD CHIP and it still will not play backups. I use Verbatim media and GamesXCopy. I have tried Nero as well. Says it does a successful copy/burn. Any suggestions?
sometimes it's not the media. It's your laser, as you've seen or noticed, most ps2 dvd games are "white" not "purple" so 1 possibility is that your laser is dirty or it's just being picky on reading the disc. One other thing that you can try to do is insert an original games first let it read and load, after that press eject and put in the back up media. Using this method helped me with most of my newly installed chip.
Try some +r media. I have a v7 ps2 with dms4 ezi mod and even before I modded it was using swap magic. but my ps2 doesn't like -R media. They lock it up but haven't found a +R that it won't play.