I have used the search, and I have googled this too, but I havent been able to find any relavent info.
I have a gcm image that requires a CD...all I have are miniDVDs, when i try to just use a minidvd to burn the image with nero, nero demands a CD.
Does anyone know how i can convert this into a gcm that calls for a DVD? A work around would work also, like different burning software, or some trick in nero, etc.
Basically i just need to be able to put this gcm on miniDVD somehow :)
Look for the GCMWipeFixer or Reloc2 on Google,you should be able to add more to your image to burn to MiniDvd.I hope this helps you out,but you should use the GCMWipeFixer or Reloc2 to make your image bigger.I used both of these tools,and it seems to work pretty good.If you need help on using the tools,just look at it in command prompt.It will display what each setting does,and if that doesn't help you out ask me and I will see what I can do to help alright.
Hey thanks a lot :) I will go check that out tonight.
Another question, earlier today I ran into another gcm that was only 1.36GB, and I have 1.47GB miniDVD-Rs, but Nero kept telling me that the image wouldnt fit, and it kept asking for dual layer media...ack!
Nah sorry man,never ran into that problem before,but that does sound like an issue maybe with Nero or your burner.It could also have something to do with your GCM image,let me know your setup for your GC like how you make your images and what type of media and burner you are using.Also let me know how you are burning your image files also.It sounds like a conflict with your burning technique that could relate back to any one of these four things.It is hard for me to actually help you on this without info on the other things I listed bro.Let me know how your setup is and maybe I can help you out from there alright man.
Well, I am thinking it is a problem with the image.
See, I didnt create the image myself...and I will just leave the info at that. ;)
I will make my own and Im sure it will work just fine. =)
Thanks again for all your help. Its nice to have some people around that have been down this road a few times, and are willing to share what they know. :)