what methods do you suggest for burning episode dvd's? also i read alot about the preferences between dvd2one and dvdshrink. ive used both and i prefer dvd2one.. the quality is identical to the original dvd. and when i used dvdshrink. it said it would take hundreds of hours to finish. so i cancelled and downloaded dvd2one. i must have done something wrong because i dont see how anyone would do that.
right now i use dvd decrytor, then dvd2one, then nero express. that is my process of making dvds.. anyone know a faster/easier way???
Fastest for me on episodic disks is AnyDVD and CloneDVD. AnyDVD breaks the encryption and Clone encodes and burns. My personal preference. Everybody has there own. If DVD Shrink is telling you it will take 100's of hours I would check my DMA settings.
My personal preference would be Intervideo dvd copy3 with AnyDVD running in the background....both programs work well.. CloneDVD is quite a bit cheaper,but dvd copy 3 will give you better results. IMO
heres a thread to check if your in PIO instead of DMA.
Rollout...make sure you don't have Shrink set to run in background mode. Also, Shrink will take longer if you use the quality settings. IMO, DVD2One, CloneDVD, and DVDCopy are all good, and are comparable programs. My own experience is that DVD2One is the fastest with the best quality. I also like its ability to join 2-part films. I use a standalone decrypter like DVD Decrypter...and often have AnyDVD running in the background when I do. I have gotten through some tough encryptions this way.