Dbox In Ireland
Senior Member
13. March 2007 @ 05:19 |
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Quote: Use the irish cables.xml and do a scan via NTL cable Dublin if you live in Dublin.
Thats what I was using AFAIK, it said NTL dublin and I could make out bru at the end which I presume is bruteforce. I will get any other irish cables.xml files I see. I also have just gotten another sagem that I can try this on tonight.
13. March 2007 @ 05:23 |
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mgb17 - thanks for the link mate. ill have a bash
Senior Member
13. March 2007 @ 05:35 |
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Thats what I was using AFAIK, it said NTL dublin and I could make out bru at the end which I presume is bruteforce. I will get any other irish cables.xml files I see. I also have just gotten another sagem that I can try this on tonight.
Did you use the cables.xml from the irish2.zip and did you select NTL cable Dublin in the scan menue for the provider?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. March 2007 @ 05:36
Senior Member
13. March 2007 @ 05:52 |
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Quote: Did you use the cables.xml from the irish2.zip and did you select NTL cable Dublin in the scan menue for the provider?
I was just checking that before you mentioned it!.
I just downloaded your zip file and see it has a "N*L cable dublin" version. I had been using benifas uk/irish cables.xml which only has "CableIE N*L brutef" in it, I also tried UK 6887 which didnt work well. I had thought benifa had combined all of them into one.
I will try your one tonight, and hopefully be able to back up the lot as a dublin package, there is already Sadam's 2x img for dublin, mine will be a 1x with setanta golf & MTV flux named correctly.
I re-read your other post about changing channels via internet explorer, I had been typing ftp://ip-box/
Whereas I now noticed it should have been http://ip-box/
I did notice however that your dublin cables has the lines
<transponder frequency="291000000" symbol_rate="6887000" fec_inner="3" modulation="3" />
<transponder frequency="363000000" symbol_rate="6887000" fec_inner="3" modulation="3" />
Benifas IE bruteforce also contains these, only difference is your flags=1 while benifas is flags=9
Should his not be scanning those anyway, or is the fact that benifas scans lots of frequencies mean it might pick up the first one it comes across even if it is not perfect, while yours sort of forces it to only check on 2?
Senior Member
13. March 2007 @ 06:06 |
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The subbed boxes do a network scan via the default frequency.
All other frequencies are defined at a table transfered via that frequency.
If you do a network scan you get all frequencies as they are defined from the provider.
First try should be always a network scan as defined in the irish cables.xml. A brutefore scan is only a second chance if a network scan fails.
Senior Member
14. March 2007 @ 00:36 |
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Thanks mgb17, your cables file worked fine for me. Still had odd problems. My box was from germany, I first loaded up filezilla as I was trying to get the games off it (tetris, connect 4 & chess). I couldnt find any gaming files. I then opened it with IE using the correct http:/ this time! worked fine but still no luck with the games.
I tried to flash it with sporster many times with no luck. Then after I rebooted the PC it worked fine (I had closed down filezilla).
I combined your & benifas cables.xml file into one. Put it on and the scan worked perfectly. I backed up the image as benifa told me.
TV3 has been giving trouble on my other box (call it TV3box), my plan was to transfer the cables file onto my TV3box and wait until TV3 was acting up and then rescan with the dublin file and see if it fixed it. I went to the signal info on both dboxes and they were identical on TV3. I then checked each boxes service files and they were slightly different. fec_inner="3" modulation="3" were different on the 2 service files.
I ftp'd the cables to the TV3box, but the only scan available was N*L belfast. I thought maybe my combined cables file was the problem so put on your original, but still only got belfast.
So this morning I waited but TV3 seemed pretty good, TG4 went a bit bad, so I flashed the entire image of the new box onto the TV3box, I had all my scans now (thought I know services went over too). I only had a look for 2 minutes but saw no jittering. I will transfer my old TV3box services file on again and see if it goes bad and then rescan, this will prove to me that this was the problem.
I also noticed that if I plug my N*L coax into my dvdrecorder and then plug its output into the dbox that I get a stronger and very stable signal. I do not have it setup like this as I want to see if the services is what made it jittery.
Senior Member
14. March 2007 @ 01:35 |
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After uploading the irish cables.xml you have to reboot the box and previously there must be UK sym6887 selected. If not you have to delete the file scan.conf and unplug and replug the box.
The uk parts from benifas file makes no sense in a file for Irland.
Junior Member
14. March 2007 @ 01:48 |
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Just want to say thanks to you all, especially benifa!
Got a Dbox2 from Germany yesterday, had an old sportster 1.07 image flashed, couldnt get it to pick up anything. Downloaded the dublin flash image from benifas site, reflashed, rebooted, and voila, the full compliment of channels!
14. March 2007 @ 02:44 |
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Originally posted by garlad: Hi,
Just want to say thanks to you all, especially benifa!
Got a Dbox2 from Germany yesterday, had an old sportster 1.07 image flashed, couldnt get it to pick up anything. Downloaded the dublin flash image from benifas site, reflashed, rebooted, and voila, the full compliment of channels!
Hi garlad, glad to hear you got sorted, that image came from sadam34 though, so credit should go to him! But, you are probably one of the first "victims" (lol) of my experiment. That is, flash a pre-configured image for your area, reboot and watch. So, very glad to hear you had success..
Ruprect, could it be that your tuner is faulty? Using my cables.xml and scanning "CableIE NTL BruteF" should do it for you, as it will scan all the frequencies on which NTLs transponders are located. This is true no matter where you are in Ireland..
"CableUK Sym6887" will also work for a scan on NTL in Ireland, as it scans exactly the same frquencies as "CableIE NTL BruteF", plus more, because NTL in the UK broadcasts on a wider frequency scale..
To reiterate, if you're in Ireland:
on NTL (true cable) use "CableIE NTL BruteF"
on Chorus (true cable) use "CableIE Chorus BruteF"
As stated by mgb17, it's important that after transfering the cables.xml, you delete "scan.conf". Once deleted, hard reboot the dbox, or unplug and replug, and scan..
Senior Member
14. March 2007 @ 02:44 |
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Originally posted by mgb17: The uk parts from benifas file makes no sense in a file for Irland.
OK, I think he had some other files missing from yours, though all I needed was dublin. But since I plan on putting the image out for download I thought I should but as many as I can on. I had heard some saying to try the uk sym6887 for Ireland. I also noticed that your file and benifas 6887 were slightly different.
Senior Member
14. March 2007 @ 02:50 |
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Quote: Ruprect, could it be that your tuner is faulty? Using my cables.xml and scanning "CableIE NTL BruteF" should do it for you, as it will scan all the frequencies on which NTLs transponders are located. This is true no matter where you are in Ireland..
I am not sure if it is faulty, perhaps my tv3box is faulty and the new one would have scanned correctly on either the dublin or bruteforce.
Tonight I will try a bruteforce and dublin on both boxes and check the results.
I mentioned before that perhaps the wider scan of frequencies picks up a poor version and thinks it is OK so doesnt search for any more. Sort of like tuning in a normal TV you can get 3 versions of the same channel picked up, but only 1 might be good. Could this be what is happening?
14. March 2007 @ 03:12 |
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Quote: [quote]Ruprect, could it be that your tuner is faulty? Using my cables.xml and scanning "CableIE NTL BruteF" should do it for you, as it will scan all the frequencies on which NTLs transponders are located. This is true no matter where you are in Ireland..
I am not sure if it is faulty, perhaps my tv3box is faulty and the new one would have scanned correctly on either the dublin or bruteforce.
Tonight I will try a bruteforce and dublin on both boxes and check the results.
I mentioned before that perhaps the wider scan of frequencies picks up a poor version and thinks it is OK so doesnt search for any more. Sort of like tuning in a normal TV you can get 3 versions of the same channel picked up, but only 1 might be good. Could this be what is happening?
Not really mate, though it's a good theory. Unfortunately in the digital age of 0s and 1s it's either on or off, there or not there.. lol.. For your tv3box, did you say it was a Nokia or a Sagem?
Btw, for your now-working-fine box, you can email the good image when you're ready, to dboxme@googlemail.com
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. March 2007 @ 03:13
Senior Member
14. March 2007 @ 03:32 |
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Quote: For your tv3box, did you say it was a Nokia or a Sagem?
Btw, for your now-working-fine box, you can email the good image when you're ready, to dboxme@googlemail.com
Both boxes are sagem 1x. I also have 2 nokias on the way. I will email the image when I confirm all is ok, hopefully tomorrow.
I thought it would be on/off too with digital, but I think all my frequencies settings were out by 750000 and some channels still worked. I can check this again, if you are interested I could do a bruteforce scan I can email you the jumpy service.xml and give names of working channels, and also send you the dublin scanned service.xml file.
Junior Member
14. March 2007 @ 14:30 |
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Just got Dbox and it froze twice today. its a nokia 2 Chips, flashed with the dublin sportster image on benifas site. I read a pdf which mentions changing the uCode? Does this work? Anyone else have/had freezing problems?
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14. March 2007 @ 15:20 |
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hi have a couple of questions
Which is the best box to buy?
Is there an advantage to having 2 chips?
Does it matter if I get AMD or Intel?
Can I connect the box to my MCE PC?
If so, what kind of tuner do I need? I presently have an analogue one.
Junior Member
15. March 2007 @ 21:41 |
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Originally posted by mgb17: Sure via network and vlc at the pc for instance.
Is that all I need? VLC and dbox connected between each other?
I believe I have to use "Open network stream" in VLC, is that correct?
Junior Member
15. March 2007 @ 22:16 |
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Is RTE 1 /2, TV3, TnaG not working for anyone else, these are the only channels that stutter for me, anyone else fix this.
15. March 2007 @ 23:39 |
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Originally posted by ryanneil: Is RTE 1 /2, TV3, TnaG not working for anyone else, these are the only channels that stutter for me, anyone else fix this.
read previous posts in the forum, it answers your question.
15. March 2007 @ 23:40 |
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Originally posted by dsfjdsfjd: hi have a couple of questions
Which is the best box to buy?
Is there an advantage to having 2 chips?
Does it matter if I get AMD or Intel?
Can I connect the box to my MCE PC?
If so, what kind of tuner do I need? I presently have an analogue one.
2 chips should be faster
I've heard nokia, then sagem and lastly philips
16. March 2007 @ 02:09 |
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Hi. Can anyone help me. i bought a nokia Dbox yesterday and i done a service scan and its only picking up 89 channels. how do i get the rest of the channels tuned in that i am missing.
Junior Member
16. March 2007 @ 02:52 |
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Turn fast scan off and rescan.
Junior Member
16. March 2007 @ 03:30 |
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Nokia DBox2 up and running for a few days now.
Originally had 1.08 Sportster, but decided to flash the dublin sportster 1.7 image on benifas site.
Couple of issues:
1) When in standby (shows clock on lcd), box turns itself on after a while (noticed in the morning), and no picture shows on screen , and remote doesnt function. Need to unplug.
Works fine in full standby (little green dot on lcd), but not the best solution as have to wait a minute for box to boot.
2) Rebooted itself last night while watching Sky Movies.
3) Freezes the odd time for a few seconds (only noticed it on Movie channels so far)
Anyone else have these issues? Solutions?
Also, anyone got a link to a 1.08 image?
16. March 2007 @ 04:28 |
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help!!! i cnt recieve any channels. i choose freeview in the commando menu by mistake is their away of fixing it????
16. March 2007 @ 11:19 |
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Hi I have a dbox, I think I have a Dbox 1, not sure, I think it is as it only has an old modem port instead of an ethernet port on the back....will it still work in Ireland?
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18. March 2007 @ 16:26 |
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