PSO (?)
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13. July 2005 @ 12:07 |
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is it possible for someone to do something with PSO 3. Apart from play it. What is the fundimetal differences between 1&2 and number 3. what have sega changed that stops us doing what we do with PSO 1&2
Senior Member
13. July 2005 @ 14:26 |
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I'm not real positive on this one,but I think with PSO 3 they patched the server so it couldn't be used other than online.I'm sure it is possible to fix it for ftp connection,but it sounds complicated.I heard they are coming out with another PSO game called PSO Universe,so that might be something to look at maybe when it comes out also.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
13. July 2005 @ 19:10 |
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PSO Universe is for xbox, PS2 and PC!!! not gamecube :(
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13. July 2005 @ 19:51 |
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Huh,who said it isn't for GC it isn't released yet.Look for the updates on the latest games that are coming out for GC,before saying it isn't or won't be for GC.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
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13. July 2005 @ 20:00 |
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You have to remember GameCube is the slowest at producing games,and I am sure they will take there time with this one.Sega is involved with PSO,so it is bound to show up on the GC eventually.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
13. July 2005 @ 20:17 |
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i went to the official site
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13. July 2005 @ 22:40 |
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C'Mon man do you really think it won't be out for GameCube.Just give it time,they never said that they would make it for GC or they wouldn't.The only thing they can give to people is what they have.Listen alright,PSO is really popular on the GC so they will make it for this system.I'm not saying you are wrong as for the game not being out for GC,but I am saying it is bound to come out for GC.The official site can give people only what they have,as I mentioned GC is the slowest game system on producing games compared to Xbox,PS2,and the PC.Just give it time,I have a feeling it will be on GC.Sega is teamed up with Nintendo so it is just a thought to take into concideration.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
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14. July 2005 @ 00:25 |
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L-Burna you said "I'm sure it is possible to fix it for ftp connection" what is ftp?
14. July 2005 @ 00:37 |
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well it wont be released with the rest of the other platforms
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14. July 2005 @ 00:39 |
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whats the point of saying that all now, we dont know yet.
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14. July 2005 @ 02:45 |
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It is possible that it wont come to GC... would happen same than with Final Fantasies...
I havent read anything about PSO 3, just a thought...
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14. July 2005 @ 02:53 |
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back to my point, of what i can do with PSO 3
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14. July 2005 @ 07:29 |
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An ftp is a connection either shared from a system to the computer or computer to computer.It is just a connection to transfer from one thing to the next to be honest.Yeah true Quezacotl no one really has messed with PSO3 to hack it for an ftp connection.It was just something different from the games,and that was a difference I saw in PSO 1&2 Plus and PSO3.You have to admit though GC is pretty slow when it comes to making games.For instance when was the last time you heard of the new Zelda game,and that hasn't came out yet as far as I know.You both could be right with the game not coming out for GC,but Sega makes PSO and I have a feeling it will come out for GC.PSO is a popular game for the GameCube,I don't know probably best to leave it alone for right now.I think everyone including myself honestly has no clue if they will make it or not for this system.There hasn't been enough information to discard it as not being for the system or if it will be for the system.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................