ftp to my xbox
Junior Member
16. July 2005 @ 14:25 |
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I need help on how to ftp to my xbox. I have just softmodded my xbox and i want to mod my halo2 maps. I see so many cool things on xbox live. I dont knwo where to get the maps or mods. I dont know how to ftp at all can someone show me a noob tutorial or help me out. Thank you.
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16. July 2005 @ 18:35 |
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Junior Member
17. July 2005 @ 06:46 |
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Thanks a bunch. I almost completley get it now. Just where do i go to on my computer to change my IP adress i know its sounds very noobish but could you tell me please. I also need to know where to get Halo 2 files and maps do i get it off the ftp?
Junior Member
17. July 2005 @ 06:51 |
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o and one more thing i am going to use my router to do this. I already have it hooked up to the router beacause i play xbox live. Do i need to connect to the lan port? Plz help.
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17. July 2005 @ 09:39 |
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If you are using a router, then you do not need to change your IP address on your computer. If you have Xbox Live already connected to through the router, then your connection is already setup to FTP to your Xbox from your PC. Then just follow my guide, http://webpages.charter.net/modchipzone/ftpingproblem.htm#r
I really can't help you much w/ the Halo 2 things, sorry!
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. July 2005 @ 09:40
Junior Member
17. July 2005 @ 14:33 |
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Thanks a bunch i understnad about halo 2. IS my username for flash xbox and pass xbox or do i have to register because im not sure where to create username and i need the ip adress for the xbox though because flash ask for url server? I almost completley understand just need this last bit of info and i will appreciate it if you would help me. Thank you.
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17. July 2005 @ 15:59 |
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Did you read through my tutorial? You can find your Xbox's IP address in your dashboard. Also, your username and password are both Xbox.
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Junior Member
21. July 2005 @ 11:22 |
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Can you please help me pimp i got a erro 21 on my xbox no one will help me i can connect to xbox live and i cant get ym dashboarrd please help me.
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21. July 2005 @ 15:22 |
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Ok, I'll need some more info. then. When are you exactly getting this error 21 now?
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Junior Member
21. July 2005 @ 15:47 |
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When i turn on my xbox with no game it loads the xbox sign then instead of ms dashboard coming up error 21 message comes up and says contact costomer service also it comes up when i start trouble shooter for xbox live it comes up. No costomer service would help me.
Junior Member
22. July 2005 @ 06:34 |
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plz help
Junior Member
22. July 2005 @ 06:58 |
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someone told me to try and reinstall the mod?
Junior Member
22. July 2005 @ 07:27 |
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I fixed the erro problem and got my evo dash up. I do not know how to connect to xbox live it always says start trouble shooter.
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22. July 2005 @ 18:22 |
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Go into the troubleshooter and then go into "IP Adrress" and make sure it is set to dynamic if you are using a router.
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Junior Member
23. July 2005 @ 06:42 |
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I cant because when i start trouble shooter i still get the error 21 for some reason anyway i can still do that. Someone told me something about cold booting? Is there any way to unininstall it.
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23. July 2005 @ 09:35 |
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So you can't get in to your original dash then? Get slayers and load it back on there again using that...
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Junior Member
23. July 2005 @ 12:33 |
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O ok i can get to my dash sorry i couldnt get to my xbox today im away. I will try that when i get home. Will cold booting do anything?
Junior Member
24. July 2005 @ 11:33 |
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Can you help me completely uninstall evo from ym system please.
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24. July 2005 @ 11:51 |
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Follow the FTP guide above to get into your Xbox. Go into the C: and delete the evox.ini & evox.xbe files. That will get rid of EvoX completely.
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Junior Member
24. July 2005 @ 11:55 |
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Thank you so much! Could you give me more detail on how to switch the static setting to automatic?
Junior Member
24. July 2005 @ 11:57 |
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I dont get the static part to be turned off and all that i cant get to it. I can already see ip adress though.
Junior Member
24. July 2005 @ 12:21 |
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Nevermind my last 2 questions when i got into c i cannot find those files there not there. I get audio,fonts,xboxdashdata, xodash,xft_backup and then some other files that i cannot click into but still not that name. Help please.
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24. July 2005 @ 12:40 |
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Well, maybe it is in your E: then, or F: or G: if you have an upgraded HD. If you can load up to the EvoX dash, it has to be on your HD somewhere.
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Junior Member
24. July 2005 @ 13:20 |
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OK i foun evox ini files in e, but im nto sure what files to delete there is udata file, tdata file, dashboard file, cahce file, bios ld file, and back up linux file do i delete everything in that folder or just evox ini and someother one please help im so close. I wont bother you again
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24. July 2005 @ 15:07 |
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Ok, you the main file you want to look for is the evox.xbe file, so try and find that and delete it. You can delete the evox.ini file also if you would like. Don't just go deleting files now, because that could ruin your Xbox.
Another think you could do I guess is use slayers to rebuild your entire HD. You will lose all of your saved info. on your HD however, and Linux if it is on there.
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