You have to learn how to rip games,very hard to do when you are first starting out.A rip is when you take movies or audio from a game out to give you more space,then patching your Scus file or IOPRP image from DVD-R to Cd-R.Look at this site alright to see what ripping tools you can get for the games you wanna rip.It is possible to rip your games to Cd-R,but it would probably be alot easier to just burn them Dvd.Good luck,some games are hard to deal with so start out on a game that isn't really hard to mess with alright.
Yeah Auslander it is hard though bro ;),it takes a very long time on the ripping stages.The easiest part probably is just patching from Dvd to Cd.You can do it in vice versa also if you wanted to put a Cd game on Dvd.
I just wanted to know how because the version of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 I have is a CD version and I dont know how to burn it. All of the other games Ive backed up That were DVD format worked perfectly on DVD Decyrptor. Thanks for the site L-Burna...You rock.
just a side note, that the ps2 console is quite picky. the console wont let the well know brand discs work, it will block them e.g sony or philips.try using smething like datawrite (which i use)or crap make.
gud luk on the copieng