ok recently i ive bean using the swapmagic 3.6 and fliptop wth out any problems but all of the sudden when i was done playing a game and then i put in another one..all dvds dont read at all and goes to the "inseryt disk" screen. then i checked that it reads ps2 cds and audio cds but just not dvds..any help anyone? please help thanks
Its a good idea 2 put somewhere in yr thread yr console model etc. The error message said, insert disc? that correct, not, disc read error. If this is the case. PS2 is saying there is no disc in the DVD drive (could be the power/eject ribbon cable). PSTwo it might be 1 of the SlimTool pieces not in properly.
i have to chec the power/eject cable but dont know how and i dont have the slim tool i have the flip top, my pstwo is going to the whirly twilry things and saying insert disc :-( only on dvds though
usually when its the laser, it gives a disc read error. The only times ive had a V12 do this(insert disc) is when the laser ribbon is missaligned. Sorry I thought u were talking about V1 > V11. Funny it happened all of a sudden. Did anything else corraspond (timewise) with the prob. Like a trip 2 a mates place (with the console), a fall off the seat of the car, etc, etc. Just trying 2 have a reason 4 the all of a sudden prob. Its been my experiance that lasers die over a few months. If it only reads CDs not DVDs like u said , that is a real indication as 2 how the laser is. The PS2s(V4 > V9) when they do this it means NEW laser.
That happened to me once when i was tryin' the flip top method for the 1st time... what was the problem u ask? well just check if all the tiny flat cables are propperly plugged into the dvd drive... my problem was one of them that was unplugged! try to check those, i'm sure that while u were using the flip top method u pushed one of the cables and... poof! it only reads cd's and no dvd's ;)
ok don't worry, that's cool wit me ;) it's like this... u take your ps2's cover off and then check all of the tiny flat cables (i think there are 3 of them) that plugs onto the drive... man, i can't be more specific than this... good luck!