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Ripper problems
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20. July 2005 @ 18:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi. I burn ngcdevr02a with nero and I loaded it up with my "disc explorer" option. I am pretty sure I have everything set up correctly, because I was able to get around 500 kbs per second using the multi ripper for the cobra bios. My problem is that I am getting very low speeds with ngcdevr02a. Infact, I am getting unusually low speeds such as 2 to 3 kbs per second only with ngcdevr02a. Could someone please help me? What am I doing wrong? Is there something wrong with my connection?
20. July 2005 @ 18:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

You are actually not doing anything wrong. The problem comes from ngcdevr02a using the gamecube BBA which is a bit touchy when it comes to ethernet protocols. (may the ethernet stack is a bit buggy in ngcdevr02a, but this is just an assumption, it works really well otherwise).

To be more precise, the BBA doesn't talk really well to the device it is attached to with the ethernet cable. This seems to happen more often with direct connection to a computer via a cross over cable. The best thing would be to change this device for another one of another brand/model.

If you are using a direct connection with a cross over cable: try to connect the gamecube to a switch/router instead and connect your cmputer to the same switch. If you dont't have any, try to change the settings of the network adapter on your computer: Under WindowsXP: Control panel-> double click System -> tab Hardware -> click Device manager -> open Network adapter -> double click on your network card -> tab Advanced -> Link speed & Duplex: change that to 100mbit Half Duplex if still not working try 10mbit Half Duplex.

If the gamecube is already on switch/router try to connect it directely to your computer with a cross over cable. Alternatively, you can try to you another model of switch/router.

In my case: I have 2 switches. One give me speeds of 700ko/s the other one 1700ko/s. You will never pass over 2000ko/s because the gamecube drive can't read faster than that.

Hope this helped.

Tell me if it works better.

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20. July 2005 @ 18:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am very sorry, I seem to be very confused. So what you are saying is that I shouldn't use a crossover cable to connect my pc and gamecube and that I should use a switch or router?
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20. July 2005 @ 19:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"The best thing would be to change this device for another one of another brand/model"-Are you talking about the BBA? I don't have a switch or router. All I got is BBA to connect gamecube and pc.
20. July 2005 @ 19:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you dont have a switch router then do this:

try to change the settings of the network adapter on your computer: Under WindowsXP: Control panel-> double click System -> tab Hardware -> click Device manager -> open Network adapter -> double click on your network card -> tab Advanced -> Link speed & Duplex: change that to 100mbit Half Duplex if still not working try 10mbit Half Duplex.

or borrow a switch/router from somebody :-)

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22. July 2005 @ 11:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Alystan, once I made that switch now I am having problems with the gamecube and pc communicating to each other. I can't get the file off of anymore. Here's my settings: on ngcdevr02a I have GCIP=

On my pc I have IP at

This setting work for me earlier but it isn't working anymore after I did these changes: Under WindowsXP: Control panel-> double click System -> tab Hardware -> click Device manager -> open Network adapter -> double click on your network card -> tab Advanced -> Link speed & Duplex: change that to 100mbit Half Duplex if still not working try 10mbit Half Duplex

I tried to put the setting back to what I had before, but I can't download off of anymore. I don't know what's wrong now. How do you have the ip settings up?
22. July 2005 @ 21:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Your IP setting are fine. The half duplex / full duplex / 100mbit / 10mbit should not affect the connectivity.

Usually you have 5 possible setting for that:
* Auto (default)
* 100 mbit Full Duplex
* 100 mbit Half Duplex
* 10 mbit Full Duplex
* 10 mbit Half Duplex

Try all of then with the gamecube on with ngcdevr02a running. And for each of the setting type the following command in a DOS prompt:

If you get "no reply" all the time, check your cable it might be faulty. If you get a reply, the PC can talk to the gamecube and vice versa.

In any cases, put it back to default at the end.

Alystan > forums > archived forums > nintendo gamecube - general discussion > ripper problems

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