On the subject of whether to put labels on DVDs, I have followed the previous threads, which seemed to end in Oct 2002. Is there any more thoughts, experiences on the subject.
The arguments against placing the label seemed to focus about the label being off centered. The AD moderator stated that because DVDs spin at a higher rate than CDs, centering is more critical. It would seem to me that higher spin rates would actual help out the slightly off centered object placed on top of the disk,
Any thoughts will do,
I will be using stomper and staying with high quality labels, any suggestions.
There is no way to "perfectly center" the aftermarket labels of any type. I have encountered the problem of copying off of labeled dvd-r's. The only way to rectify it was to slow the read speed to a minimum, this to me is not worth it.
However there is a printer that leaves a film on the disc alot like the screen printing process--- it cost around $900 to get the cheapest model though --- still not worth it...
On the subject of labels, I just did a wholly informal experiment on the subject. I took 12 backed up DVDs and burned two copies of each, one on Verbatim DVD-R and one on Princo White label DVD-R. Played each to test original quality (found a couple of coasters in the Princos, Verbatims were perfect). Backup method was Decrypt, DVD2One, Nero. Put labels on remaining disks and replayed and found no degradation in play quality. Using Imation SoniX Labels (small center hole) and Imation label application pad. FWIW, your results may vary.
Just as follow up. I ahve used Stopmer and quality DVDs for over 30 copies with No problems. I have used just the stopmer labels & I will stick with quality labels.
I have used tdk labels just printing on with a color printer and applied by eye-hand alone. So far have had no problems with CD Game, DVD Game, or DVD Movie Back-ups. I'll post again if I encounter any problems.
What are some printers (mac compatible) that print directly onto the cd or dvd surface
I use followes labels and media face 4.0(label software), no problems of yet. it's difficult to determine if the labels are causing the problem or if the media was faulty. trial and error is the best solution....double up back ups, 1 with 1 without, and see which work better for u...I use optodisc and ritek media. still quite cheap media and more reliable than others. But on the follow up of centering label...that is important. as for example the ps2 laser is very picky and starts in the center of disc...