If you follow the guide for DVD to VCD using SmartRipper, DVD2AVI etc to the letter, until you get to DVD2AVI, then do not select the 48-44.1 downmix, you should get decent .wav files. From what you said, this is all you want to do. Let us know what you are doing as your post is not specific.
sorry for taht when i posted that message i really didnt know the program to well, i was trying to rip two chapters from a concert dvd(elton john one night only) which i bought about 8 months ago. when i ripped it off of smart ripper to rip it i had 0xE0 clicked in the stream processing and a box that said enable stream processing was clicked, when i used dvd2avi it made two files but they were really small, it said wave sound and only 59kb
This is a guide for making a VCD out of a DVD using certain software which you already have. Follow the guide exactly to get your .wav except the following:
1: In SmartRipper, the only thing you need to deviate from is the selection process. Select the part of the DVD you want to rip, I'm assuming it is the main movie, so make sure it is checked, like the guide suggests, then next to chapters, click none. After this, select the chapter that includes the audio you want. Then rip as suggested by the guide.
2: When in DVD2AVI select everything suggested in the guide, except the 48KHz-44.1KHx downmix. When you save the project you can discard the .d2v file, as the one you want is the .wav file.
As far as the guide is concerned, you are now finished, so I don't know if you want to edit or burn. Either way, you could use the audio editor in Nero (come on guys, it is not that bad:-)) to cut and crop the exact part of the audio you require.
I Strongly recommand installing the ASPI Layer (v4.60 Build 1021 only!) as it improves performance of accessing the DVD/CDRW drive, not to mention enables some programs to access the CDRW drive for burning (VCDEasy/TSCV/CDRDao and others)