It isn't that hard to teach yourself,you just have to be willing to learn.I honestly feel that getting someone to install a modchip will not help you out,as a future reference you should probably still learn how to solder.Incase you want to upgrade you will still have to learn how to solder/desolder or if anything happens you could always go back and fix it yourself stuff like that.The best way to learn is just soldering to some useless motherboard or anything electrical laying around your house.Trust me it isn't hard,but you will never learn if you don't have any experience.If you read up on it,you will get tips and stuff like that.I have been looking into the cold heat irons for soldering needs,it hasn't been determined yet to be honest if they can be used or not.Not alot of information is present on them from many users(I tend on looking into it real soon).You will see alot of people use the pen irons,normally located at radioshack or places similiar to it.The best thing to do is get the following tools or a kit that consists of these tools:
Soldering Iron-the 15Watt pen irons seem to be the best to use,even heard 30Watt irons are pretty good to use by some people.Also make sure you have a very thin tip,the tip will make it easier for you if it is really thin.
Flux-make sure it isn't the plumbing flux which is oil based,make sure it is water soluble
Solder-the solder to use is .032 diameter 60/40 light duty rosin-core
Wire-30awg kynar insulated wire
Optional Tools:
Lenline brush-pretty good to use for cleaning the points you plan on soldering to.
Desolder Wick-pretty much self explanatory right here,it is used for desoldering.
It keeps going on including tips for the irons and stuff like that,but just giving some direction on what to look at.Take pride in your work for the people that do solder there mods in,because I see alot of people mess up there systems jumping into soldering without even trying to learn or even looking up soldering.Soldering lessons,heh it isn't rocket science people but you do have to learn atleast something before attempting it(not meant in an arrogant way,just saying lessons aren't needed unless you can't learn on your own).Windsong you don't need to pay anyone for lessons,unless you are not willing to learn for yourself.The professional installers on sites mentioned,they teach themselves most of the time and come up with different ways by themselves to help them perfect what they do.I have a friend that is a mod intsaller,very cool cat haven't heard from him in awhile(his name is account,if you haven't see him or heard of him)but trust me I can tell he learned on his own.Just take some time and try it out first,you might not need lessons windsong.It doesn't hurt to try,what could be the worse thing that could happen right.You would only be messing up junk am I right,an old electrical appliance that is broken or never used anymore.That is my advice though aswell as alot of other users that solder,try to solder to some electrical device that has a motherboard in it that you never use or is broken.Good luck on soldering whatever way you choose to learn.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................