Hi, I've just d/l Alcohol 120% and tried to make backups following the guide I found here.
I've no idea about image files and where the guide says for datatype=playstation, you can choose either image format mds or ccd, the author doesn't say which is the correct one, so I've tried one of each, and dropped the reading and writing speed as recommended. No other settings were changed. Both of my attempts start up in the console with the first screen 'select language', I do so and they won't move off that screen.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I'd very much appreciate if someone can help me out here before my 4yo son destroys more game disks (grrrr). I've killed 2 cd-r's and thought I'd be smart and change to cd-rw until I get this right, but that wouldn't read at all in the PS
what i suggest you do is just make the backup using the 'playstation' image file extension which is ccd. all you will do is:
1. put in the game
2. run alcohol's "image making wizard" to make image (CCD)
3. put in blank CD-r
4. run alcohol's "image burning wizard" to burn the CCD image you made
5. wait for it to finish
6. you MUST have a way of playing backup ps1 games. if you CAN NOT play backup games on your ps1, then you might have wasted your time.
so assuming that you can play backup games, is it that the game screen loads and then nothing else? the game could be detecting a modchip and locking you out. if you have more than one method for playing backups then try any others and see if it works.
Give clonecd a try for backing up ps1 games, you have a 30 day trial. I have only ever came across 1 game that i couldnt backup with it, and that was a few years back now, it could probably be done now with the latest version (i'll have to look it out and give it a try)
Superxl... I did the exact process you mentioned. The game is Tombi (PS1). On startup, the first screen to appear is the 'select language' screen. It appeared to register my choice then froze without moving off that screen.
Are you saying that backing up a game this way won't be useable in a chipped console?
Berty642... After 8 frustrating hours and 6 shiny new coasters, I did just that and on my 2nd attempt, the backup was useable. First I tried 'game disk' which gave me the same result as my alcohol attempts, but then tried 'protected pc game' which works fine.
no, i'm not saying that backing up a game in that manner would be a problem. i just remembered that some modchips would cause problems for some games. so i just assumed that was the case. for alcohol, i think you can also use the iso image format. i dont know if that would make a difference in the burning proess. just extra info for you.