Hi all this is my first visit to the site & after reading quite a lot of problems of various types I was pleased to see that this site with it's members all rallied round to offer help very quickly so I know I have joined an excellent site. My problem at the moment is that I have tried to make a vcd using nero 5.5 - this was sucessfull except it play's upsidedown on my tv - any clue as to what I have done would be welcomed.( No I'm not the uk rep for Australian film comp - down-under )
1) you already posted this question
2) this is the wrong forum, as you were aleady been told
A less patient moderator would have put you on the 'candidate for banning' list .. but I'll spare you. Just, please, wait for answers and avoid re-posting questions (on the wrong forum) if you don't get them
Hi Paul first of all let me apologise for anoying you and not doing a search as you mentioned. I am a (Newbie)and I have already learned a lesson for future problems when they arise. As for not replying sooner it's because although this is my home computer I'm lucky most times to even get an hour on it to my self as my daughters & grandchildren are never away from it & I joke with them at times saying I will need to start booking time on my own computer like they do in libries.
Hi Paul I'm still having trouble, I downloaded TMPGenc & virtualdub as I wanted to join two avi movie files together, this I couldn't do as my computer was really almost ground to a standstill. I checked out the avi files I had downloaded to check their quality & found that they were not so good so I decided to delete them, since then my computer runs at snailspace and I can't delete these two avi files. I get a message saying another program or user is using the files - please close the program that is using these files. I have done this but still can't remove the files and I have checked them with a virus scan. Can you help as my computer is all but dead just now.