so i made a data cd from nero with all 3 of these files on it and it for some reason doesnt work on my ps2. is there anythign im doing wrong? i have an Apple VII i have to "deactivate it" or something?
Hi... either clone cd or DVD Decrypter. DVD Decrypter will write cd images but won't read them...the one that you are interested in is the IMG. Personally I don't really like confusing...
you need to use clone cd,like suggested above
ccd is an clone cd extension,and it acts in the same way as a cue does for a bin image,or a mds does for an iso
before putting in the thrill kill backup copy, i tried putting in one of my older real version psx games, and it worked, but or some reaosnt not thrill kill :(
ugh, this isnt working. i burnt the .ccd image with Alcohol 120 and this time when i put it in my ps2 it reads the disc as an audio cd, and all i can play are the audio tracks of the game. i think i give up...:(