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Suggestion on forums... How 'bout some moderation!!
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6. February 2003 @ 21:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've run across a few of the afterdawn forums where the content has really gone off-topic.

For example... the topic "Hollywood sues a DVD sanitizer company"

Number one... not that I have a problem with this word, but it starts with "F*CK!", uncensored, of course.

Someone mentioned how [V-chipped] DVD players that censor movies would cut too much. This led someone to talking about censoring sexual and homosexual content.

(forgive my rambling...)
The mere mention of homosexuality triggered everyone from gays to gay-bashers to reply to this post in explicitive. This covers about 80-90 percent of anyone out there... The other 10-20 percent, like myself could care less which side of the fence you were on, but would prefer if you were on my side, but it wouldn't hurt any relationship if you weren't (but didn't flaunt it in my face constantly... my personal opinion).
(forgive my rambling...)

I propose heavier moderation and a feature to suggest a thread to a moderator to close and disapline those that can cause trouble...

Perhaps bring in some outside moderators?
Ones that would be more than happy to keep afterdawn clean and healthy. I'd be more than happy to volunteer my time and services to moderation of the forums, should you open the oppertunity.
7. February 2003 @ 15:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You may notice that two of the participants in that thread are me, an independent moderator and dRD the owner of this website.

Incorrectly posted and ignorant threads aside, there are problems like this which are almost impossible to regulate. A lot of our time is spent trying to answer questions (which have been asked before!) and editing email addresses, crack links etc! We don't want to end up like the producers of that sanitizer software, where everything here is clean, perfect and censored.

But yes, this is a problem especially with so much dorkage out there. Even as a non mod, you could try and redirect the threads back on topic, I used to.


PS : These opinions are not necessarily those of the owners/management and they (almost certainly) should distance themselves from my assertions :-) blahblahblah

PPS : Sometimes it can be amusing, although irrelevant and a little fun is not always a bad thing ;-)

After reading my post, I re-read the first post and thought, what a good idea if responsibly minded users could post to this thread if they felt someone was really spoiling fun for others or endorsing piracy, linking to cracks etc. Mind you, it could be a problem if there are vendettas out there amongst some of you (you know who you are) but lets try it. I have made this thread 'sticky' so it should show up at the top of the forum, in which it has been (correctly) posted! I will inform the other mods, who can view it and take action if they want. A kind of 'informers' thread, if you like!

If it is used improperly by users, you can be sure it will be closed and hidden Pretty Damn Quick!

I'm back...
...can't you smell the fear?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. February 2003 @ 15:33

I hate titles

35 product reviews
7. February 2003 @ 16:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
We have currently almost 10 active or less-active totally independent moderators in our forums. But obviously, I -- as the biggest owner of the site (not sole) -- was one of the loudest voices in the whole thread, moderating me would be kinda shooting yourself to leg for all moderators (except loaded, he's crazy enough ;-).

I admit that the news article itself was non-objective and I took the news comment flamebait bit too easily and just kinda expressed my own views too much in the commentary that should been reserved to "All other topics" or similiar forum, if in our forums at all.

But as loaded said, we're all humans and actually one of the reasons why's forums are so popular is that we don't have any censorship on topics at all as long as it doesn't violate our AUP -- there are some totally hilarous threads in these forums that have just grown over the months and years to become part of the urban culture :-)

So, I wouldn't actually state this type of small explosions to be a bad problem in forums, but the big problem for our mods and admins are people who post threads in incorrect forum rooms or try to violate against our AUP (cracks, etc).

Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)
Suspended permanently
21. April 2007 @ 02:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm interested by this thread, especially concerning the reply to the question, and certain replies given elsewhere about what this section of the forums is for..

This sticky seems to state quite clearly that this area is for posting anything relating to ideas and suggestions for the whole of afterdawn, when in fact there is already an area for that higher up on the listings.

Most of us regulars seem to consider this area to be for items relating to the service, the bands who use it.. and other general bands/music type things.. Not a free for all "I have an idea about aD" topic

Please clarify the role of this section as if not specifically for music (which seems to be the intention) it only duplicates a section in General Discussion.


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. April 2007 @ 02:06

22. April 2007 @ 04:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i aked this question already Jan, can't find the link at the moment, but it is indeed confusing...

edit- this thread was in the 'suggestions, ideas & feedback forum' which is the forum that confuses people....

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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. April 2007 @ 04:32

2. May 2007 @ 16:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Guys would there be a way to get orb downlaods on Afterdawn?

Michael Gooding > forums > general discussion > afterdawn feedback & suggestions > suggestion on forums... how 'bout some moderation!!

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