Did you buy this XBOX? already 'Softmoded' or 'Chiped'? I'm asking this because you say that the XBOX? will continue to 'Boot' in to Evox. And well quite franky, that's not normal! Unless you or either useing a BFM (Boot From Media - BIOS), which you forgot to deleate. Or you somehow managed to overwrite your XBOX's? TSOP (i.e. BIOS Chip), telling it to boot 'Evox' over the M$Dash.
As for the 'Error 21' You'll most like need a XBL!? enabled Game. And either BoxPlorer or XCommander. Both chould have came with Slayers, if not you can get BoxPlorer form #xbins. Just let your XBOX? boot into 'Evox' then insert your Game Disc. Then choose to go to 'Settings' -> 'Run Apps form HDD' and then either 'XBOX? File Explorer' (BoxPlorer), or 'XCommander' from that list. Go into the 'D:\' Drive (just like on your PC!) and then find either 'Update.xbe' or 'Dashupdate.xbe' I think 'Update.xbe' might be for Live!?. So that may or may not be of much use to you. But 'DashUpdate.xbe' should repair your Dashboard 'Error 21'.
Now all you need to do is to deleate your 'BFM BIOS' form the HDD and you'll be back to normal again. (...I think!)
BTW: again let me stress if you can boot into Evox (which is on the whole not a bad thing!), and your going to continue this game of running back and forth with the HDD in tow...
Find the Program 'ConfigMagic' (should also be on Slayers!) and USE IT! If you can unlock it on the XBOX? with just a press of the 'A' Button YOU DO NOT HAVE TO 'HOTSWAP' out of the XBOX? to the PC to access it. Which mean you can connect your HDD with no Power! on. It's simple and safe. And it will prevent you from shorting your HDD / Computer / XBOX? out. I know what I'm talking about! This was how I lost my original XBOX? HDD.
Which in fact was the best thing that could have ever happend to me! It forced me to upgrade to a 160Gb HDD! <3 <3 <3