i have 2 v12 ps2slims that wont spin disc's, one had a dms4lite and burnt the laser out (typical of the v12's) so i removed the dms4 and bought a new laser, the laser lights up and moves back and forth on boot but wont spin the spindle.
the other one had a modbo chip in which was working fine til i corrupted it's bios by doing a firmware upgrade, i removed the chip and it does the same thing as the other, the laser moves but the disc wont spin, the coils on both lasers read fine on my multimeter.
is it possible that your ps2slim thinks that the cover is open even though it's closed?? Normally, if the disk doesn't spin and it says something like "No data" on screen, that might be it. Make sure the two litte switches inside your ps2 are pushed down (or you can put a little piece of electric tape on them). They are easy to find, one is just next to the Power button and the other is at the back of your ps2, just next to a screw.