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Plextor M402U Sound Clipping
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23. August 2005 @ 07:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I bought a Plextor M402U recently and had terrible sound when copying S-VHS tapes to DVD. Then my old Toshiba died on me. I bought a JVC HR-S9911U and found that when the sound goes into the red at +4dB or so, the M402U clips into distortion.
I contoured the problem by connecting the SOUND-OUT of the JVC to the CD-IN of an old audio preamp with TAPE-OUT going to the PC Sound Card. This works fine. I then tried connecting the variable output of the preamp to the Plextor Sound-IN to see if there was any sound delay: there is none. I removed the last connections because this gives two superimposed sounds.
Questions: Why is it that the Plextor goes into limiting that soon and the Sound Card does not? This is a M402U shortcoming because I had this problem with 2 Tape Units. - Is it the proper way of connecting this? - Is there any adjustment in the Plextor to tame some dB's from Sound-In?
By the way, my sound card is an old Sound Blaster Value, nothing fancy.
Thanks for any input.

The Visigoth
27. August 2005 @ 14:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi All. I wish to modify my previous statement and make it accurate.
First: There is a delay between hearing the music from Sound Card IN and USB 2 IN.
Second: My sound problems: When I record with WinDVd Creator 2, the recording is now correct, after taming the Volume with the Preamp. When I listen to that recording using WinDVD 5, both sound and image are correct. No problem at that point.
The problem arises when I open WinDVd Creator 2 "EDIT". The sound has always a crackling background, not found in listening, directly or via Win DVD 5. If I proceed to make a DVD anyway, the sound is rotten, same as during EDIT.
The sound appears to be recorded properly. It's the EDIT that is bad.
Has anybody experience this?

The Visigoth
29. August 2005 @ 13:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi All. I am at it again.
I discovered the followings:
My recordings are written in the PC without problem.
I can open WinDVD Player and play the projects with perfect sound and video.
When I open WinDVD Creator2, the results are mixed.
If I just play the Video project from the IMPORT, the sound is fine.
If I play the Video project from the TimeLine portion, the sound is crappy. Of course, if I make a DVD from there, the sound is crappy.
I tried copying the file from F:\ to C:\, no better.
The noise must come from somewhere in the bus or in the Audio Card.
Can someone light my lantern on this? I am at a lost for solution at this point.
Win2k with all patches, Athlon 1.34GHz 1G RAM, ASUS A7V133 KT 133A, Creative Lab Sound Blaster Live OEM, ATI 9500 PRO, Logitech MX700 Mouse, second PCI Card USB 2.
The olny programs running are WinDVD and Zone Alarm with Internet locked.
Processor at 44% during READ only, and reaching 77% when playing thrugh TimeLine EDIT (whth the crappy sound).

The Visigoth
1. September 2005 @ 08:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The biggest problem was not the clipping, which was solved by using a Preamp. The tru killer was anoise superimposed over the regular sound.
I finally have a work-around fot this using InterVideo WinDVD Creator 2. I record the Sound in MPEG: (probably in MP3).
The final product came out just fine.
Since the project involves Children Animation programs, I did not noticed any difference in quality, except for the absence of noise.
Regards All.

The Visigoth > forums > digital video > video capturing from analog sources > plextor m402u sound clipping

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