After installing the PS2 flip top, we can't get the Swap Magic disk to work. Instead of getting the "Insert Disk" screen, we get the "Browser/System Configuration" screen. When we hit the "X" on the game pad as instructed, we receive an error message telling us that the disk can't be read. We get this same error message whether we're trying to play a downloaded game or a "real" game. Help!
2 things it could be and they are both easy to fix :) it is possible that u nicked ur laser when installing the flip top in which case just a simple rubbing alcohol swab will cure that , or it may be that u hit the little white gear on just under ur cd tray it is my understanding (correct me if i am wrong) that the gear should be spun until the white thing that sticks up is all the way to the left locking the CD/DVD drive in place and allowing the disk to spin up. i hope i have helped in some way!
Last night I tried loosening the screws on the bottom of the playstation as indicated in another message, but that still didn't work. Now when I try to get the Swap Magic Disk to be read, I receive an error message telling me "No Data." Please help, my husband is going to kill me if he thinks I've broken my son's playstation!
I was having trouble with my flip-top and what I ended up doing was leaving the top open when I played discs. Just put the disc in, put the white magnet circle thing on the center of the disc and start your machine up with the lid open.
I've now tried these "fixes" and it still doesn't work. No matter what we try, the only screen that comes up is the standard Playstation Browser/System Configuration" screen. We can't get the Swap Magic "Insert Disk" screen to materialize. And even though the Playstation screen is coming up, it will no longer play standard Playstation games. Help!!!
Now when ever we push the "X" button on the controller, we get an error message saying "No Data", and then once it reads the disk, we get a "Disk Read Error" message. I HATE THIS THING!