I'm a simple newbie with a straight-forward question:
I have ARmax. Can i do any combination of cdr creating tasks etc. with all this cue/bin thing and get cd backups to run? - i don't have swap magic - do i NEED to buy it to achieve this?
the simple answer to your simple question is yes you can boot backups using but it will require you to fit a fliptop or a slide card or by completely remving the ps2's case. however it will be very tricky as the disc doesnt stop spinning so you have a fairly good chance of damaging your console. My advice is get yourself swap magic and a fliptop, do yourself a favour and spend a small amount of money and save yourself a lot of time, hassle greif trust me you wont regret it.
thanks for the advice - i'll see how the cheap-but-complex method goes first and if its too difficult/dangerous to the machine (with slide tool) i'll just head to the swap magic store!