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14. February 2003 @ 13:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
On the basis of what I read here, I just downloaded the full ($44.03 US) version of DVD2one and immediately tried it on a 130-min. movie. I have a dedicated computer, an old 450 AMD K6 and a Pioneer 103 with firmware upgrade, so the following times will be pretty bad, compared to what the rest of you use. I never keep menus or other fol-de-rol, just movies. I thought you might want to see some sloppy statistics.

Before DVD2one:
Smartripper -- rip entire DVD -- 2.5 hrs

IfoEdit -- strip and rearrange VOB pointers (sometimes take something like closing credits off just to squeeze onto a DVD-5) Sometimes at this stage, the files are still maybe a few K too big for the DVD, so now I'm stuck and a lot of time wasted. 3.0 or more hrs.

Nero -- burn (about 2x) 1.5 hrs.

Total of about 7.0 hours, sometimes more.

With DVD2one

Smartripper -- rip only movie - 1.5 - 2 hr.

IfoEdit -- Get VTS Sectors, just to be safe -3 minutes

DVD2one -- process files 45 min.

Nero -- Burn. Same time. It always fits.

Less than 3 hrs. So far no problems, and it's a complete no-brainer. The resulting quality is fantastic.

In a nutshell, this software is brilliant, and as the author adds more features, it should become even more so. Don't pirate this one, folks, this developer deserves everything he makes with this. (I'm a developer too, so I'm not saying that you can pirate everything else, but leave this one alone. You know what I mean.)

Hats off to Erwin van den Berg!

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15. February 2003 @ 00:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Kinda not related to anything, but...
SmartRipper -- rip only movie - 1.5 - 2 hr.
Go and check that your DVD-ROM has DMA settings on. For me it takes 15mins to rip 8GB worth of data from DVD-Video disc.
Nero -- burn (about 2x) 1.5 hrs.
Excuse me? At 1x burning a DVD-R takes max 60mins, whatever happens and whatever drive you're using. At 2x, max 30mins.

Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)

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15. February 2003 @ 02:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Depends on your definition of "burning" If you've got Nero doing a simulation first, or data verification afterwards it can take quite a while.

And yes, I was so tight with my DRD-R's I used to do simulations first....

No need if you are using DVD2one though. Excellent product

In theory, theory and reality are the same thing. In reality, they're different
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15. February 2003 @ 06:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
True, but for me, the burning is the process where the actual data is being written to the disc, as it says in my computer dictionary as well :-)

DVD burning takes 15mins on 4x drives, ripping a 8GB movie 15mins and in most cases using DVD2One takes 15mins on my crappy P3/500 (when no re-encoding is required, but stripping the extras & stuff is enough) -> 45mins and I have a DVD-R copy of the movie I 45mins earlier dropped in the DVD-ROM drive in order to rip it.

Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)
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15. February 2003 @ 08:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, don't I feel the fool! DMA is checked, and I have to red-facedly admit that my times ARE probably a bit extended, but still not extremely far off. Since that machine sits over there crunching away while I do other things, I often don't check its status for quite some time. It is SLOW, though, which is why I relegated it to mindless non-time-critical crunching.

dRD, I'm envious that you can rip 8 GB in 15 minutes. I can't with that computer. Sorry. Same goes for the burning -- I don't simulate either. My computer is a P.O.S. -- The drives aren't even ATA66. It's slower than what you all use. Didn't I mention that?

Everyone seems to be more interested in snickering at the performance of my machine than noticing the point of my post. I'm heartily recommending DVD2one. Simple as that. You guys are easily distracted. Let's try to concentrate, class.

Here, let me re-cast that first post a bit more succinctly: DVD2One saves a hell of a lot of time, does exactly what it claims to do, is easy to use, promises more in the future, and is well worth the money. Think that'll do it?

It did take about an hour (52 minutes) to process the movie with DVD2One (I actually looked at the elapsed timer). I was a little disappointed with that, but even so, it was worlds away faster than IFOedit, and it's not the program's fault.
AfterDawn Addict
16. February 2003 @ 00:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Takes me 15 min to rip (DVD decrypter) to HD.
Takes me 15 min using DVD2one to fit to 4.7gb.
Takes me 15-20min to burn to DVD+R with Nero.

So that makes it about 45-50min.

AfterDawn Addict
-guys with literally thousands of messages

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16. February 2003 @ 08:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
whizkid is correct. rip just the movie. no need for ifo edit, unless something happens like when i tried to backup My Big Fat Greek Wedding - DVD2ONE only created a VIDEO_TS.IFO file. just rip the original VIDEO_TS.BUP & the VIDEO_TS.VOB files, open in ifoedit, get vts sectors and burn.

have a 1.5 gig processor, 512 mgs RAM. times were 16 minute rip, 13 minutes with DVD2ONE, 22 minute burn with nero.

Have done Gladiator, Clear and Present Danger, both Harry Potter Movies....and lots of others that clearly would never fit on 1 DVD. They came out perfectly....identicle to the originals!! DVD2ONE is the most incredible software to date. Don't Pirate this one...this guy deserves his reward, so BUY it!!!! Mike
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17. February 2003 @ 19:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ Oldmike.
Could you advise what operating system you are using? I'm trying to stay with 98SE.
AfterDawn Addict
18. February 2003 @ 21:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am using WIN XP.

AfterDawn Addict
-guys with literally thousands of messages
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19. February 2003 @ 10:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry Doc, I wasn't watching.

I'm using W98SE. The machine has only 196 MB of RAM too, which doesn't help its speed. DVD2one does indeed process a film in about 20-25 minutes sometimes, and other times it takes about 50. I'm not sure what's going on.

Interestingly, my Pioneer 103 (A03) died right in the middle of all of this, so I got a 105 (A05) in the CenDyne box. It's fine, so I'm wondering if the firmware upgrade I did on the 103 did that. If so, it's an expensive "upgrade".

Back to DVD2one: it crashed trying to process "In the Bedroom", as did PowerDVD trying to play it, IFOedit trying to preview a program chain, and VOBrator trying to play a VOB. Anybody know what gives with "In the Bedroom"? Is it the AV delay mentioned in another thread? After crowing so hard about DVD2one, I was afraid there for a moment that it quit on me.

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19. February 2003 @ 10:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DVD2One does indeed process a film in about 20-25 minutes sometimes, and other times it takes about 50. I'm not sure what's going on.
This is very simple -- for the movies it takes 20-25mins, DVD2One _doesn't_ compress the video at all, but can fit the movie to one blank by simply removing extras, menus & stuff. For those that it takes 50mins, it has to re-compress. Times are pretty much equivalent to my results on P3/500 @ W2k + 384MB.

Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)
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19. February 2003 @ 12:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah, I'm aware of the compression on longer movies. It seems that processing takes the same amount of time regardless if the movie is 140 min. or 125. That makes sense.

So, any ideas on "In the Bedroom"? DVD2one wouldn't touch it.
Junior Member
20. February 2003 @ 09:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wow now I'm confused. I just got the Sony DRX-500UL(using Firewire connection). I'm using Nero. Last night I burned a movie and burning took about 2 hours. This was using 2x. That was just the burn. No simulation of any sort. WTF !?!!?

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I hate titles

35 product reviews
20. February 2003 @ 09:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Umh, your proggie didn't encode or anything and really _JUST THE BURNING_ took 2hrs?!

1x burning == 60mins for full disc, pretty much exactly 60mins. If it's less than that, disc is not full or over that, you have something seriously wrong. 2x = 30mins, 4x = 15mins.

Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)
Junior Member
20. February 2003 @ 09:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well heres what I did and hopefully I'm not getting to far off topic. I made a backup of Manhunter. Used DVD Decrypter. That took about 15 minutes. Went into DVD2One. Found the main VOB file and that took about 25 minutes.
I then opened Nero. ( I think I have ver I then went through the wizard. Dragged my files that DVD2one created to the video_ts folder, and hit burn. Choose 2x. I use Maxell 2x DVD-R discs. My system is an AthlonXP 1800+ with 512DDR2700 ram. Even when I used DVDXCopy it took well over an hour per disc.

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20. February 2003 @ 19:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Question for those with quick rip times. What type of dirve are you using? I've got DMA (if available) set on my XP system showing DMA 2 for the drives connected (80 wire cable). I've got a Toshiba SD-M1502 and a Sony DRU-500AX. I seem to get about a 2x from either. Thanks for any help you can give. > forums > archived forums > dvd2one forum > get this now.

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