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To all that are new to Qoob or any other chip
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15. September 2005 @ 15:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK this pertains to QOOB PRO chips. It seems that NO body wants to do some research on how to install, flash or stream backups. I see on many forms the same questions over and over again. Some people will answer and some will be smart asses about it. I am not here to criticize any one for there help or arrogance. But to any new people I would recommend you go here ( to learn about your brand of chip. I feel this is about the best site so far. I am assuming that some of you have some common sense. If this is your first time modding any game system or soldering then take the time to learn the basics. There are many sites that show soldering, try here
( I do want to say that some of the information you read about is a year to2 years old. Ok in a summary here is an outline of the basics that I am using now.

1. PROPERLY installed chip (can?t stress this enough) check and recheck connections
2. A current bios to chip
3. NGCDEV Ripper (Google for this)
4. Broad Band adaptor (Google again, or check local Game shops in area)
5. Cross over network cable( the best way to stream from Cube to PC)
6. New case for larger disks (you make the choice)

If you just want to make backups of your original disks, then this is what you will need to do it. I can?t stress enough that 90% of all chip problems are poor or bad connections. Take your time in learning how to solder. If you do not want to solder then you will have to pay some one. But that will take more time and money. For a few dollars a 15wat soldering iron and a small spool of solder are not that expensive. If any you want the answers to your question it is all here, just take the time to look for it.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. September 2005 @ 15:35

Junior Member
20. September 2005 @ 17:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you for putting together this information. I understand that some people get tired of seeing the same questions asked over and over again. I know it can be frustrating. However, people on forums need to realize that even the best configured search feature, it far from perfect to finding information that you need.

If you search for "Qoob Pro" as one example, and it brings back a thread with over 200 replies, it leaves a lot of people completely overwhelmed. The result isn't brinking back a specific post by a specific person that says, "here is the info you need", it's bringing back a set of results that can take days to go through, only to still be left with questions unanswered.

People also need to consider, that although there might be "stickys", that a lot of the info contained within them is very, and I mena VERY, dated. It could, and often is, obsolete or outdated information that has nothing relavent to do with a current release of a game, a gaming system, a particular mod chip, or means of backup.

Sure, there are generalities that apply....but until forum mods start seriously editing these sticky posts, to remove such severely oudated information, a lot of people will still be left with questions and no answers.

= = = = = = = = = =

"Those who have no compassion have
no wisdom. Knowledge, yes;
cleverness, maybe; wisdom, no. A
clever mind is not a heart.
Knowledge doesn't really care.
Wisdom does."

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= = = = = = = = = = > forums > archived forums > nintendo gamecube - general discussion > to all that are new to qoob or any other chip

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