i had a hard drive laying around and i was reading and found out that u can put it into the ps2. i have sm vr. 3.6 with slide card. downloaded hd loader free off of internet and got the hdd to work. now i have put 2 games on there call of duty finest hour and street racing syndacite. COD works fine until i try to go online. is there a way to fix that? and SRS wont load completely, copied to hdd and went to play but black screen every time. anyone knows why or knows how to fix it.
1. you can't play online off the hd while using hd loader
2. some games require you to enable modes (highlight the game name and hit select). goto google and type hd loader compatibility for a list of games and modes.
you can not play games online off the hard drive, for one conflicts between the network adapter. and when you burn game to hard drive it doesnt copy dnas id.