Assuming you would like to keep thing simple, AND cheap then you are thinking along the right lines. You are looking for an "all in one" system (but not those that include the DVD player) check out Argos.
The decoder and amp will be built into the subwoofer which has inputs from your DVD player (& other analogue sources) and outputs to the 5 satellite speakers. Importan>>>> make sure the unit has a digtal input. there are two types, Co-axial and fibre optical, does not matter which except it would make sense to have the same type as the digital output on your DVD player. You will need the digital lead to connect dvd player to surround system. (Maplins electronics)
I would also advise you choose a system that can produce Dolby pro-logic II also, because this makes a very clever dynamic surround sound out of plain old stereo transmissions from your T.V. hence if the unit you buy also has Left & Right RCA inputs you could connect your TV aux outputs to it aswell. Regarding true digital surround remember you must have the digital lead connection between dvd and surround unit.
Some enthusiasts might slate me for advising you to buy an all in one system rather than seperates but it sounds like you're a beginner and it is a good place to start and see if you want to ugrade in a few years.
Look at it this way, How popular are all in one stereo units for most peoples household uses compared to those that buy a seperate tuner, cassette deck, cd player, amp, speakers, record deck etc.
You can please some of the people all of the time but not all of the people , some of the time.
PC Specs: CPU-C2D E8400, M/B-P5N-E SLI, RAM 4Gig OCZ Platinum rev2 ,VGA- Nvidia 8800GT 512MB, HDD- Hitachi Deskstar SATAII 1TB, 250Gig Maxtor IDE HDD.
Corsair HX520 PSU, Liteon Lightscribe DVD Writer, Pioneer BluRay drive.