It's me again....well, I been doing my homework lately and so far what I think I need are the following to play PS2 games on your HDD (and I do have the original games):
1.compatible HDD
3.some kind of chip
I only want to back up my games so I don't have to carry them with me because I really move my PS2 around and take it to my friends house.
I have an XBOX also and I was wondering if I could burn Halo into a DVD and play it on my PS2.
The system Im looking at requires-
Sony PS2 Network Adaptor (ethernet or ethernet/broadband)
Maxtor HDD 40-200GB (Possibly 300GB)
HDLoader / HDAdvance 2.0 or 3.0
You will never need to carry any games at all, just the boot disks.
Hopefully this helps!
FlyingCow you forgot the ethernet adapter on that list, which is needed to connect the HD to the PS2. So you need:
1. compatible HDD
2. HDAdvance OR HDLoader (hdloader is free)
3. some kind of chip
4. PS2 ethernet adapter
As for a modchip, I'd recommend a DMS4 EZI Pro (not lite). You can flash HDD support onto the chip itself and boot games off your HDD without requiring a boot disk.