I bought one of these on Amazon and received yesterday. The player did works perfect with back up dvd movies, but does'nt want to play a single original standard dvd. When i put one, it starts to make some noises and after a while it gives me the "no disc" message. Can anybody help me or know something about this issue?
Hi, I just got one last week from bestbuy, and it plays just about everything I put in it and seems to make very little noise. Maybe (I hope not) you got a bad one or something. But mine didn't come with a remote because the model was out of stock and i had to buy the floor model, so I bought a universal remote and everything seems to work fine except does anyone know? if when you burn AVI onto a DVD+R and play it in the Philips dvp642 if you can fastforward or rewind 2x 4x 8x etc. Everytime I try it just skips to the next track and I'm just wondering if it's because I don't have the original remote?thanx. Oh and btw here's a link to a very good thread on the dvp642
No, you can't fast forward the AVI files,it's not a problem of your remote control. And i guess i'm pretty f...d up, i bought the player in Amazon, but i live in the Dominican Republic and returning the player to
Amazon and the way round it gonna cost me more than if i buy a new one.
yoyoteta, I returned mine to bestbuy and went out and found another at walmart. This one included the manufacturers remote and it does ffwd avi's. You just gotta have one with the factory remote, it allows functions that you can't access with a universal remote. I also contacted philips and they said I could buy one over the phone with credit card for $20.