dvd+r ripping and stripping
Junior Member
21. February 2003 @ 14:38 |
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hi all im new to this, i have downloaded and used the DVD Decrypter but when ripped, all the DVD'S are too long to fit onto blank DVD'S, how can i strip the files so that only i get the main movie. thanks in advance
21. February 2003 @ 14:50 |
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get dvd2one and checkout the guide on this site is the easiest way
Junior Member
22. February 2003 @ 12:42 |
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thanks for the info, i have just downloaded the dvd2one program i have tried it but it says it will not rip anything that is copy protected, so many other ideas, please
22. February 2003 @ 13:34 |
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Check the guides here or at
http:\\www.doom9.org to fix the ripped files
This is an amazingly imformative site with many places to find information and help. Please support it.

23. February 2003 @ 02:13 |
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DVD2 one doesnt rip at all, you got to use dvd decrypter or another ripping program all DVD2ONE does is remove all the extras from the mocie and if necessary compresses it to fit on a dvd r
23. February 2003 @ 18:09 |
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sup guys... first time post so bare with me
if you wanna use dvd2one then first you have to
use smartripper or dvddecrypter to remove the encryption. then load the settings from the website for dvd2one... and thats it.. i use primo dvd to burn cause it seems to make dvds that play in playstation 2... but this will only copy the movie... if you wanna copy more than just the movie then check this site out http://www.digital-forums.com/dvd2dvdr/ its got a great guide but ur gonna want to take a look at www.doom9.org guide for DVDMaestro <much greater detail>
your goin to have to collect these tool your self... good luck, happy burning
25. February 2003 @ 17:00 |
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hey.. could anybody give a newbie a step by step guide on how to rip, burn, or copy dvds with a dvd burner.... im lost and confused with all these terms and i just want to burn dvds.. is it possible without hitech equipment and knowledge of any hacking.... could anybody help me??? my email is jryan2823@hotmail.com.. thanx
25. February 2003 @ 19:46 |
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just hop on kazaa and get these three tools
1)smartripper - used to rip/decode the movie files to a folder on your pc
2)dvd2one - used to make the movie file<and only the movie file> fit to a standard 4.7g dvd-r
3)nero burning rom - to burn a dvd-video file
first load smartripper... by default it is going to find just the movie file... thats cool
just press the "start" button... that should rip them to a folder on your pc named whatever the dvd is called......
next.... load dvd2one <this must be a full version... buy it or get it from kazaa..> follow the dvd2one guide that you will find at www.dvd2one.com ... when that is completed .. start nero then make a new dvd... add all the files that dvd2one created to the VIDEO_TS folder... click burn ... wait till its done burning and thats it.... you have an "movie only" back up of a dvd that you own <right!>
enjoy kiddies
25. February 2003 @ 23:21 |
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