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How do I get dvd's to my 650?
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8. October 2005 @ 14:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am a newbie at the decrypt shrink etc type stuff and need help getting dvd's to my treo 650.Please help me with large amounts of detail as I'm still learning my way around this device. Thanks so much.
14. October 2005 @ 11:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have had success with using dvd shrink to save the movie to my hard drive, using pocketdivx to convert it and then using a card reader connected through a usb port to save it to a memory card. I play it on the TCPMP player. If I recall, I downloaded that from the pocket divx website. I'll have to check when I get home and correct this posting if I'm mistaken. Somebody else help me out here ;o)

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14. October 2005 @ 11:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Try this....I pasted it from

How To Watch Movies On Treo

Lots of people would like to know how to play movie content on Treo. To be able to do that you need few apps and SD card of at least 128MB (512 or 1GB and more is better, but you know that already ;_)). First, if you want to watch your dvd movie on Treo, you need some tool to rip or to backup (you may like this word more) your dvd to pc since dvd content is copyrighted. Than you need some tool to convert and compress dvd's mpg2 format to some other format as DivX that can be reproduced on Treo. You can use that conversion/compression tool to lower filesize of your existing DivX/mpg video files. And, at the end you need some software player for Treo that supports reproduction of movie file types.
There is tons of softvare that can do desired operations, but I will focus on few easiest and freeware apps. For those who are interested in advanced ripping/conversion I can suggest to visit Digital-Digest∞. There you can find more advanced guides and real software heaven for all kind of authoring/ripping/playback/fixing tools.

How to copy DVD to PC
For backuping your dvd I would recomend DvdShrink∞, an freeware app that can copy, select content and even lower (in some percent) dvd's size.

When you start Dvd Shrink you can see Open disc option. By selecting it you can locate and load dvd to Dvd shrink. Opening process can last for few minutes because application is analysing content of dvd. When dvd is loaded you will see it's structure in left window.

In right window you will see audio tracks and subpicture (subtitles) list. If you want to get ridd of comercials and various extras you have to mark main movie folder, and on the right window to select desired audio streams. Then select Re-author tab from toolbar. In right window you will see that dvd content is organized by: 1. Menus, 2. Main movie, 3. Extras. On the right side you will see preview window with play and stop buttons above it. Mark Title 1 under Main movie section, press play on the left and check content.

If Dvd Shrink has found correct movie title as main movie, than drag and drop Title 1 to the empty window on the left side. Before you start with copying process you may whish to compress movie in some percentage (that operation is slowing down speed of copying and you still have to compress and convert dvd *.vob files to some format that is known to softwer player on your Treo. I might be wrong but there are no software dvd decoders aviable for palm devices).

On the top of right window you can see two tabs - DVD browser, that is window in which content of dvd is displayed and Compression setting tab. Click on it and you can change compression from automatic (that option is set to the maximum empty space of writeable sigle layer dvd), over custom to no compression at all. When you are finished, just klick Backup! button on toolbar and new window will popup giving you option to select backup target.

You can choose between Dvd recorder, iso file and folder on your hdd. You can deselect "create Video_TS and Audio_TS box", because you do not need folder structure recognisable by standalone dvd player (that means - you will get your files in one folder). When copying is finished you will get decrypted files with *.bup, *.ifo and*.vob extensions on your hard drive. Vob files are movie itself, ifo files are information files (information about audio tracks, movie structure, subtitle files...) and bup files are just bup files :-))

For compression you can use PocketDivXEncoder∞, another cool freeware app that can decode and convert mpeg1 (video cd), mpeg2 (dvd) and mpeg4 (DivX, Microsoft mpeg4...) files.

You can use it not only to convert dvd movies, it can be used to re-compress and format existing avi material you may have already on your pc,eg. movies taken from your Mini DV from vacation... It has preseted formats suted for some devices. For Treo 650 owners, Tungsten-T3 preset is good choice, and Smartphone is for Treo 600.

You can select it from window that pops up when you start app, or later from Advanced options menu. But, best results is acheived by manual adjustments of resolution.

First step is to load movie in PocketDivXDecoder and to select output folder. When you are loading DVD movie, only name of first vob file containing movie will be shown, but program will pick all vob files automaticaly when you select that file. When movie is loaded, audio stream confirmation window will popup, asking you to select and confirm right audio track. Next step is to change picture size. You'll see that option under quality settings sliders. New window will popup.

(Instead black screen you will have movie preview. I can't snapshoot overlay surfice:-( )

You can see resolution/screensize sliders for horizontal size and vertical size. Select maintain aspect ratio box to avoid picture distortion. Drag left slider to value of 320 pix. for Treo 650 and 160 pix for Treo 600. You can use lower picture size than screen resolution of your device, without noticible loss of quality. Validate new picture size and than you can go to crop option.

In general, Cropping is process of eliminating black horizontal stripes of widescreen/letterbox picture. To be more precise, black stripes remains in reproduction but they are not encoded during conversion process and by that you are saving time needed for reencoding. You can use crop option to cut into picture from left and right side, cut off a small piece of it and, by doing that, change viewable size of picture not disortig aspect ratio of movie. Eg, you have letterbox sized movie with extreme wide picture. On small Treo screen it would be barely viewable. You would like to strech picture a little and cropping into it is the best way to do that. Other way is to resize picture without preservation of aspect ratio, but resulting picture will be over steched and unpleasent for viewing.

to be continued...

Last edited by DraganChalic
Thu, 07 Jul 2005 12:42 BST [diff]
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