Must admit to having a hard time about the piracy/crack thing with regard to direct hypocrisy.
On the one hand we have this forum and associated website, whose raison d'etre is information concerning the ripping and burning of copyrighted DVD's - sorry, the "backing-up" of copyrighted DVD's in one's own collection.
On the other there is the amazing censuring of those who dare speak of "cr*cks", "p*tches" or "s*rials" for programmes that facilitate the dodgy practice of "backing-up" copyrighted discs.
From my reading of posts in this forum this last week or so it is patently obvious, to all but those in complete self-denial of bare-faced fact, that the overwhelming majority of correspondents, respondents and, very likely, lurkers, are not so much interested in "backing-up" their own purchased DVD's as they are in copying discs that they don't want to pay for.
My point is that it seems just a little bit hypocritcal to give a nod and a wink to "backing-up", yet get heavy with those who dare speak of the similar "backing-up" of DVD copying software.
...and for those who may be too thick to make the connection, "backing up" is being used as a euphemism for "copying DVD's one hasn't actually paid for".
Steal from the maker's of DVD's but not from the maker's of DVD-stealing software. Eh? Come again?
I think you feel bad for what you have been doing. I just make Backups of the movies I have because I have lost to many to jerkoffs browwing them and scratching them up. If you feel that that is wrong,then why did you buy dvd2one. You must of known how it worked. It says real clear on the site DVD (thats the disc you play in your machine) 2 (that means instead of 2 discs) one ( you can put it all on one disk) There mabey you just needed some one you spell it out for you.
Well done, sir! You have missed the entire spirit and point of my original post.
To summarise: why does a forum whose sole purpose is to disseminate procedure's to rip and burn copyrighted material, censure those who seek to effectively rip and burn the software that actually achieves it (by way of p*tches, s*erials and cr*cks)?
This isn't, as your completely off-the-mark response suggests, about whether or not one "backs-up" their discs. Personally, I don't give a rodent's rectum about your jerkoff chums borrowing your discs - if you're too thick to say "no", then that's your problem.
Please READ and digest a message before answering. If you don't understand the words (perhaps because some of them contain more than two syllables), don't bother replying.
BUT for us to continue to have software like this "legally" we must continue to say that were are ONLY making copies of movies we own. Of course thats what i do ;-).
This isnt an unassociated forum . my guess would be that the makers of some of these progs are getting heat from hollywood and wanna keep them from getting any ammo .
Theres other forums for crackign and whatnot.
As hypocritical as it is whatever keeps software lke this available is fine by me.
2) Copying movies for personal use, whether you own the movie or just copy a rental one, is perfectly, absolutely legal -- as long as you make the copy from the original.
3) We _DON'T_ allow posting instruction where to download movies or how to distribute movies, because that is illegal. That's why stupid questions such as "where can I get subtitles for this movie?" or "where can I download this movie?" lead to an automatic ban.
4) Pirating software is illegal and governed by much tighter laws than copying music/video.
And if the forum and its content doesn't reflect to the laws of our site's country, we'll get jailed. Very simple and clear? And if it comes to a choice of handing out personal details of an idiot who posted cracks/serials on our forums or going to jail and not handing the data to cops -- I don't really see any hard decisions there from my point of view.