When you all talk about DRE's, what exactly does that mean? because I've installed my qoob sx with 1.3c bios and it seems to work. tried it with ikaruga and seemed to work, didn't play it that long. Now i'm tryin' to get it to work with Soul Calibur 2 and it's works sort of. the music seems to stutter alot, mainly on the character select screen when it trys to load your character. and then it's takes forever to load anything and sometimes it just sits there loading and doesn't go anywhere. Now i was wondering if this is what DRE's are, and do i need to change my POT or are DRE's when your gamecube comes up "cannot read disk" cause it's scratched or something
The future is not set. Theres no fate but that which we make for ourselves. Oon Consoleforumsin mysticy, PS2-Scenen MysTiCy ja Maxconsolen toad86.
Modailen PS2, Wii, Gamecube, Nintendo DS. Porissa. Asentelen jälleen FreeMCBootia :)
Super Nintoaster! :D https://sites.google.com/site/markosstuff/super-nintoaster
ALso remember that the gamecube laser is light years different than the PS2 laser. If the PS2 laser incounters a light scratch on the DVD, it will keep trying to read it, where the GC will just up and STOP, giving a disk read error. The idea was to not "wear out" the laser on the Gamecube, but personally I'd rather have a gamecube that lasts only 3 yrs rather than getting DREs every other disc burn.
I only put POT 'cause that's what everyone else put. So will adjusting the pot stop the game from having jumpy music and not loading all the time, or is this just something I have to put up with, with backup games?