Well I have a modded Xbox, and I have the HDadvance kit with a 160GB HD installed, the last thing on my list is modding my Nintendo gamecube.
After reading the forums from what I have gathered... To play back-ups, from a disk, I'll need the Qoob Pro Mod Chip and flash the bios to 1.3c. Am I right about this? Then I'll be able to play NGC back-ups?
Another question I have is how does the system handle multi-disk games, and do the games come any bigger then 1.4GB in size? Or are they all that size or smaller?
I am currently on dial up, so downloading the NGC ISOs are out of the question, is there a way I can make my own? I think I read about using the PSO method. But the problem is, the game which people were using the method to copy NGC disks, is very expensive now and out of print. I can't find one for less then $75.00... Is there another way to make back-ups of the NGC disks? Like with a 3rd party tool you can use with Qoob or something? What would I need to back-up NGC games?
Honestly, other then the HDadvance kit (which is plug and play) I never installed a mod myself, I bought my Xbox online. How difficult is it to install the chip and flash the bios? I have never used a soldering iron in my life and I dont want to hurt my Gamecube. Are there stores online where I can send my Nintendo Gamecube in to be modded (And maybe even have the bios on Qoob updated to 1.3C?)
Sorry if these questions have been asked before. I have read a few pages of the forums, and alot of what has been talked about, is kind of vauge to me. Id like to get to rock solid facts, but I understand why there is always a level of vaugeness with this sort of stuff, to protect the community ect. So if I asked a question you can't answer, thats fine.
Thanks for taking the time in reading and answering my questions.