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Spots on the dye
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26. February 2003 @ 15:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This is what I got from my expereinces burning dvds. The dye on the bottom...whenever there is any dark spot, even if there is only one and its really small...will ALWAYS result in a dvd movie backup that freezes near the last chapters. Can any of u concur?
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27. February 2003 @ 14:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
YES, YES, YES!!! This is very true.. I had like 10 spots on a DVD I was recently ripping. I couldnt get it to rip for nothing, it kept hanging up half way through.. I cleaned the disk and got DVD Decrypter to successfully rip it, but smart ripper still wouldnt...
1. April 2003 @ 18:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I thought you might findthis interesting. I too have the spots from time to time one my dvd-r. I now know that it is due to dust and foreign matter on the dvd. I actually found a particle of something on a finished dvd and when i cleaned it off, there was a spot below. I guess it was due to my own carelessness but anyway, these spots are not causing any problems for me on playback. I actually did a little experiment to try and see how bad I can make the dvd and still have it playable. I took three pieces of hair and tied them on a blank dvd-r so that they all ran from the center of the dvd to the edge. I was hoping that this would cause a spot to appear but in a continous line from center to end. I then placed numerous finger prints on the surface and a few foreign particales as well. I burned the dvd and when it was done I got the result i was expecting. The hairs caused lines and the finger prints/ particles caused spots. I figured if I got a line from center to end it assures me that I will hit the dot when playing the movie. It gave me a way to be sure that the dot, in this case a line, would surely be hit upon playback and made sure that the dot was not in a part of a disc that would not play withthe main movie. The disc looks pretty beat up. I have pictures if you are interested but like I was hoping, the dvd played fine. What type of players are you using for playback? Maybe that has something to do with the screen freezing. As I said, I really beat this disc up and it played fine and I know for sure that I am hitting all three lines right from the opening of the movie. I hope this helps.
1. April 2003 @ 20:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi. I have seen some Spots on some of my burned DVD's as well. BUT they all play fine in my Yamakawa SA. My father often has problems with his 69$ DVD SA so. Seems like the drives error correction on some SA's is very bad and lets little errors allready freeze the screen.
(excuse my bad english please)
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2. April 2003 @ 04:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
csummit you have a lot of ample time on your hands
2. April 2003 @ 08:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes...i actually have 2 cheap media dvd-r's now with spots and they play fine. I just never had spots with higher quality media....i always had them with cheap media, so I made a connection...That cheap media leads to spots - spots lead to freezing. I think bad quality media will have more chances of spots, but spots does not neceassarily equate to media does though.
2. April 2003 @ 08:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Csummit is rite... they are not due to media themself, it's due to foreign matter such as dust or fingerprint, if you buy one of those canned air things at best buy and spray the dust off your media they should be fine... as to when it freezes, it could be the "hole" being too big, other wise I do sometimes get these "unburned" wholes (i guess they are not located where data is cruicial) and they do play fine. > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > spots on the dye

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