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DVD Ripping: How To Edit a .VOB
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28. February 2003 @ 08:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I have this weird DVD from Japan which plays 8 out of ten chapters randomly (experimental anime 'Rayca'). But I want to burn a DVD that shows them all.
So I now have a .mv2 file and an .AC3 file (demuxed from the .VOB that I ripped).

The .VOB, or the .MV2 file are too long. I cannot find a single utility that will just let me split it at 17.38mins.

So question one:
1 - any good .VOB time based splitters or .m2v splitters?

2 - So then I have a .mv2 and an .AC3 file. How can I burn that back onto DVD. DVDStudio Pro will not accept the .m2v file ("bad format") even though quicktime plays it just fine.

ANY help is appreciated on this! Thanks y'all.

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28. February 2003 @ 17:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I believe the quicktime plugin was to enable m2v playback only...

then they can say they're not supporting piracy.

I'd like to know about splitting vob's too, but if you get stuck transcoder will reduce the size of the m2v file to fit on one DVD, and you might find the quality is still ok.

Dual 867 with superdrive

yer i know this is a poor sig!
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1. March 2003 @ 00:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well it's only a 17min experimental Anime show, that has 10 minutes of extra "making of" attached to it. They did something to the DVD to make te ten clips on it play randomly, and only a few at a time. I'm going to show this to friends at the movies (I rented a small place with 40 seats), but I wanna make sure they see all 10 clips. So I ripped it.

I have a .VOB (and the demuxed streams). Ten clips, with the making of attached to it.

All i want to do now is either make it a DVD and press the stop button on time, or (preferably) cut off the 30 min stream at 17.38 minutes (FFMpeg won't do it strangely enough), and THEN burn a new DVD with just the 10 clips.

*pfffff. stupid quicktime won't edit m2v. just playback. Premiere or iMovie3 didn't import it either*
Help! :-(
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1. March 2003 @ 03:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
use osex and convert your DVD into chapters, and if that isnn't good enough convert your DVD chapter as cells then use the command line to concatonate the cells you want together. It will take a bit of HD space but you should be able to do it this way. Not the most time effective, but if you're stuck!
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1. March 2003 @ 06:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It worked.

1 - I used the OS 9 version of DVD Extractor 0.9b (the OS X version is not suitable for this. No idea why. When I used it: it went wrong. Not so when using the OS 9 version). Ripped it and demuxed it at the same time.

2 - To get DVD Studio Pro 1.5 to accept the m2v files (it won't "bad format" error): I used MPEG Append. It re-checks the chapters.

3 - Used DVD Studio Pro to put the .ac3 and (somehow "fixed") chapters together.

Pfff. Somebody write a good utility please!

But thanks for that chapter/demux tip!!
23. March 2003 @ 15:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Madison, try Sizzle. (version tracker)

1. use OSEx to create your M2V and AC3 chapters from the original DVD (use elem. streams)

2. Import all video chapers and audio into sizzle and it will create the necesarry DVD folders and disk image ready to burn (very quickly).

It's simple and you dont neet to use DVDSP
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23. March 2003 @ 17:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sparks, how fast is osex and sizzle??? I have copied my dvd's in about 3 hours with dvdbackup, ifoedit(VPC) and toast.
24. March 2003 @ 11:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OSEX takes about 20 min to extract the elementary streams for about 4gig file.

Sizzle takes about 10-15 min to make the DVD image and its done.

this of course is for files smaller than 4.3gigs (most films I have come across without all the extras will fit on one 4.3gig DVD

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