I'm trying to compress a large file (around 350 MB .avi format) into a smaller file (around 80 MB .avi format) with VirtualDub. I followed an online tutorial for setting up VirtualDub that told me to do the following (the below steps are the exact steps in the tutorial):
First, I downloaded VirtualDub. Then I downloaded DivX 5.2.1 and then I downloaded MPEG Layer-3 Audio V4.2.
With those installed, I opened up VirtualDub, opened up the file I wanted to compress, and clicked "OK" when an "VBR audio stream detected" error came up.
I clicked on Audio/Compression (after making sure my settings were on Source Audio and Full Processing Mode), then chose MPEG Layer-3, then chose 56 kBit/s, 24,000 Hertz, Stereo, 7 KB/s.
Then Video/Full Processing Mode, then Video/Filters/Add/Resize, and I changed the settings in the Resize values to be:
New Width: 312
New Height: 176
Filter Mode: Bilinear
Then Video/Compression. I then chose DivX 5.2.1 Codec, and then pushed Configure.
Once in Configure, I changed the settings to:
Encode Performance: Standard
Bitrate: 196 (kbps)
Encode Mode: 1-pass
Then File/Save as .avi and that's where my problem occurs.
I receive the following as a pop-up error:
"No audio decompressor could be found to decompress the source audio format. (source format tag: 0055)"
I've googled this phrase and spent quite a while reading various threads. Pretty much all of the threads I found deal with cutting video, not compressing video, so I wanted to know if there's anyone out there who can help with this error in compressing the video.
Huge thanks in advance.