why is the revolution so terrible??
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14. November 2005 @ 16:03 |
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im really pissed with the revolution. wtf allright have you ever realized that what ever the nintendo doesnt have in its system its not revolutionary. let me be a nintendo rep " online gaming noooo thats not the future xbox only had 2,000,000 people subscribe but theyre lucky. playing on an hd tv nooo people are buying them because theyre flat not theyre crystal clear image. no what is revolutionary playing on a tv remote and make 1,000,000 marios."
now nintendo your making more adult games but wait arent you targeting kids and moms what will happen when killer 70 and resident evil 40 comes out?? adults dont wanna buy your system and wont parents rather have the parental controls on the x360. who will buy your system.
let me tell you your line up mario 1-100 mariofootball, basketball, soccer2,wrestling,baseball 2 pikman3-1000
hey nintendo want me to tell you why things you do are so revolutionary no other company is stupid enough to do.
Senior Member
14. November 2005 @ 21:38 |
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dr.cool: I don't think I've read any post from you that doesn't reek of stupidity.
Read that and shut the hell up. The only good thing you bring up is Nintendo's lack of HD support, and I fully agree with you. I think it's a huge mistake not to offer High Def. In 2-3 years, HDTV's will account for a significant percentage of TV's owned. Most of the system's rumored and confirmed specs suggest that they are all fully capable of High Definition.
For everyone: If you are bored and want Nintendo to offer HD support, I suggest going to this site: http://www.1080up.org/
cool guygot
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21. November 2005 @ 17:26 |
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ogops resident evil 40? wtf you thinking. All things will be virtual by then and parents wont care even wtf there child is doing by then. lmao why you care anyway, the games wont evcven exist then, they would make new ones. i dont imagine there being a final fantasy 40 . sDo you. Why you care your goign to be dead and so wil i by then. Mabey the earth wont exist any more either. by the way revolution has parental controls. Havnt you heard?I dont think many adults play nintendo systems anyway..
ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.
Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)
Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. November 2005 @ 17:29
Senior Member
21. November 2005 @ 18:07 |
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I must admit i have been a sony fan for years but i a very interested in checking out the new xbox360. I must agree that most parent dont play GC. That can be researched and proved here on the net. The older gamers like myself (26) either play xbox or ps2 b/c they offer many more mature games. I heard that this may be nintedo's last system. It that true? Wish someone would come up with emulators soon for all the sytems so that games can be played all on one system. The prices for these systems is getting higher each time a new one is released. When is this price inflation going to stop???
Senior Member
21. November 2005 @ 22:32 |
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Quote: I heard that this may be nintedo's last system. It that true?
Does anyone have any proof of Nintendo saying this?
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22. November 2005 @ 11:11 |
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YES ill find it in one second. hold on.
If only i can remmeber where I got the website from, my take longer than a sec.
well i found out that nintendo didnt actually say this but in this paragrappgh from
http://www.redherring.com/Article.aspx?a=14543&hed=Xbox+360+Heads... 12th paragraph
Nintendo, the distant third runner in the race, is expected to fall even further behind with its Revolution, likely the last new console on the market next year. Critics say the company has missed the target market of the older, hardcore gamer who plays the bloody first-person shooter games, dominant on the PS2 and the Xbox. Nintendo President Satoru Iwata debuted a TV-remote-inspired wireless controller at the Tokyo Game Conference in September, which could cause more confusion with developers instead of boost the company?s market share. ?Nintendo?s Revolution will be its last console,? says UBS Investment Research analyst Michael Wallace. ?It?s a two-horse race now.?
may be rumor
ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.
Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)
Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. November 2005 @ 11:19
Senior Member
22. November 2005 @ 16:14 |
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A press release from Nintendo saying it would exit the console world would only be a bad idea. Even if Nintendo doesn't plan to make another console after the revolution, they wouldn't announce it.
It's a rumor.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. November 2005 @ 16:15
23. November 2005 @ 00:56 |
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The day Nintendo stop making games or consoles is the day I stop playing video games. And I think that won't come for a long, long time.
17. December 2005 @ 06:14 |
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Quote: The day Nintendo stop making games or consoles is the day I stop playing video games. And I think that won't come for a long, long time.
that will indeed be a sad day in the videogame world. i hope i never see it.
although i did read somewhere that nintendo may go the way of sega if their revolution isn't a huge hit. i'm thinking it will be. at such a low price, tons of people can and will buy it just to check out it's new stuff
When me and my friends did acid, we saw beams of light and sounds that sounded an awful lot like car horns
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17. December 2005 @ 19:47 |
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Rumers say that if the revolution doesnt outsell the gamecube, it will go handhelds only.
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17. December 2005 @ 19:54 |
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first of all the rev will out sell the gc its gonna only be $100
also kookoo your not fooling anyone you were booted off and you changed your name mildly but yes i and everyone else in afterdawn still hates you and im sure in some way you must be breaking rulez
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17. December 2005 @ 20:01 |
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Quote: first of all the rev will out sell the gc its gonna only be $100
also kookoo your not fooling anyone you were booted off and you changed your name mildly but yes i and everyone else in afterdawn still hates you and im sure in some way you must be breaking rulez
Yea, i was bann for calling my intergrated video card s**y. Clearly ive already stated im kookoo760. By the way, if you mean everyone as in you, you are too wrong. You fool, it cant sell for 100$, tehy will loose to much money, with those rumered specs, it cant sell for that little.
PS:you ar'nt breaking the rules? Look you just insulted me.
Quote: first of all the rev will out sell the gc its gonna only be $100
You got proof? I said if. How in the world are you able to know what happens in the future.?
Not to mention that Japan wants the 360 over the Revolution means only bad news for nintendo.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. December 2005 @ 20:20
Senior Member
18. December 2005 @ 05:27 |
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I am not trying to offend anyone but it doesnot take much common sense to know that Nintendo will not be releasing the rev for 100 bucks here in the US.
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18. December 2005 @ 06:56 |
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so are you telling me if a core x360 sells for 250 and a rev sells for 250 what will people buy? most will be an x360 it's stupid marketing to sell above $200 also nintendo has said and hinted that the rev will be $100-$150 and on numerous times saying the system will be really cheap and is that not what analists predict. alsodo we know how much it costs to make a revolution no. if nintendo wants to out sell the game cube it has to go for really cheap. not to mention they will make soooo much money from their arcade they could probly afford to make a $25 dollar lose on all systems.
18. December 2005 @ 10:45 |
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Quote: Not to mention that Japan wants the 360 over the Revolution means only bad news for nintendo.
i heard the shops om Japan can't even give 360's away because nobody wants one
When me and my friends did acid, we saw beams of light and sounds that sounded an awful lot like car horns
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18. December 2005 @ 11:02 |
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Quote: I am not trying to offend anyone but it doesnot take much common sense to know that Nintendo will not be releasing the rev for 100 bucks here in the US.
Your telling me? The ps2 sells for 100$ in USA does it not? Up here in canada its 149$. No way wil the revolution cost as much as a ps2.
Quote: so are you telling me if a core x360 sells for 250 and a rev sells for 250 what will people buy?
The core doesnt sell for 250, doesnt itsell 300 or more, Canada sells the core for 399, so i would think it would cost 350 in america.
Quote: nintendo has said and hinted that the rev will be $100-$150
Really? Do you have the website that nintendo Said this, or is it another rumor? Nintendo will conferm the price, not some journalist. With Rumered specs of the revolution, the revolution is bound to sell for 200$+. Not to mention its controller will be like 60$. And if they do sell at 25$ loss, it would be 175$, not 100$ nor 150$. Come to think of it wasnt the n64 180$? It deffenetly wont be below 150$.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. December 2005 @ 11:02
18. December 2005 @ 13:45 |
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It's "horrible" because it's not going to compete with the 360 and the Ps3. Nintendo made that clear.
Sony PS2 (Playstation 2) Slimline (V12) GH-035-71
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DVD-/+R: Verbatim DVD-/+R 1x-8x 4.7GB MCC and PRO-DATA DVD-R 4x 4.7GB
DMS4 Lite Modchip + ToxicBIOS Ver. 1.3 + Possible Fix
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22. December 2005 @ 09:23 |
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yeah, with common sense you can expect no less then 200, but can expect to even pay more then 200. If I can recall, didn't the game cube start at 200 when it came out.
Anyways, I never get a console right after they come out, unless I just dont have anything to spend money on or want to occupy my boredness at home, which work and usually hanging out with friends that doesn't occur much(plus theres always the pc). Eventually though I pick one up(like 1 -2year), prices drop a lot(look at xbox,ps2,gamecube), big game selection, fixed bugs.
Everybody, Party In The Truck!
23. December 2005 @ 18:39 |
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I am looking to buy a PS3, but the Revolution looks VERY interesting. It might have an HD< and it will probably have online gameing, and do you know how fun that'll be when playing a First Person Shooter with the controller? Andh how about racing games? You won't have to buy the steering wheel because the controller acts as one. And you are forgetting that the Revolution controller will have a "shell" so it can be used as an ordinary controller like the PS2, Xbox, and GC.
Wow, so what if its not able to support HD, maybe they are trying to lt people save money, because they don't want people to go out and buy an expensive HD-TV just because of a gaming system that will probably around for another 5 years.
I'm pretty sure Nintendo has said that they will not only taget kids now, because they put in some Parental thingy in it. So that means, there will be "adult" or violent games. And I bet you that the Revolution will have better First Person Shooter games than teh Xbox360's Halo 3, and why?Because of the COTNROLLER. I mean, would you rather play a First Person Shooter with a controller or a controller that is kind of like a light-gun, so your aiming will be A LOT more precise.
So let me ask, you do you really think the Revolution is bad? or is the XBOX360 nothing more than an XBOX with better graphics and a controller that is the SAME, but with two buttons that are moved.
In my opinion, you (the person who started this thread) are nothing more than a badnwagon person or w/e. You hear people say a system is the best one out there and you probably decide that it's the best one, but what do you know...
Sony PS2 (Playstation 2) Slimline (V12) GH-035-71
Sony Playstion 2 Region: NTSC (North America - USA and Canada)
DVD-/+R: Verbatim DVD-/+R 1x-8x 4.7GB MCC and PRO-DATA DVD-R 4x 4.7GB
DMS4 Lite Modchip + ToxicBIOS Ver. 1.3 + Possible Fix
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Software: DVDDecrypter, Nero, and Alcohol 120%
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23. December 2005 @ 18:47 |
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Not only graphics will be better, im sure alote of things are new with the 360. Anyways im not trying to bring this point up once again.
Ex:media, w.o.s, ect
But yea, you know the 360 does stand up. And its white. LOl Kind of like Michael Jackson. exept the standing up part.
The revolution isnt that bad, its affordable, and still has nice graphics.
But my oppinion is that the revolution has things that the gamecube should of had, EX:internet capability's, dvd player ect.
Thats why ythe revolution seams so new. It still will have nice stuff though. It's still possible for the revolution to have better first person shooters. Same goes along with ps3. I guess we just have to wait and learn.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. December 2005 @ 19:07
25. December 2005 @ 00:55 |
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Lets look at the facts. Unless you A)live with your parents or B)Have a high paying job chances are you don't or arent planning to having a HD-TV. If you are you are gonna slap down $800 for a cheap one upwards to $5,000 for a top of the line HD-TV. Lets see if we wanna take advantage of all of its swell audio channels and perfect audio shit you better get an alright sound system. For a Bose - Series II 2.1-Ch. DVD Home Theater System its at least $899 and ITS ONLY 2.1 CHANNEL!! $4,999 for a 6.1 system. A 100 watt sub prolly wouldnt do xbox 360 justice and I only found a JBL - 6.1-Channel Home Theater Speaker System w/150W Subwoofer which is 600 bucks then 400 dollars for a xbox 360. Thats kinda alot of money to spend on playing a video game. I dont think many people have the money to take advantage of xbox 360 or the upcoming ps3. Nintendo was smart and instead of trying to make it(the games) look good for the 1/10 people who have the money to see differences in HD they focused on raw gameplay. Experts also say microsoft is losing 135 each FAULTY ( any of ya here about the hardrive over heats and disc scratching )xbox 360 and Sony will lose 400 million dollars a year if they sell it for just as much as xbox 360 ( people prolly wont by it for more ), just so they could say "HEY, well my system does this" when in 5 years it wont matter anyways cuz everything will just look the same cuz of graphic power. You can only get so good in that way of gaming. Nintendo will rule this time around because it will give you fun ways to play the same kinda games and new kinds with the new controllers possibilities with better graphics ( better than that of xbox 360 using standerd tv's) using a Dual Layered DVD ( because xbox 360 had to make it HD on one HD-DVD and by the way are having a terrible time..Oblivion = 4 HD - DVD's )By the way Nintendo didn't go online with much of anything because nothing else was really online and they didnt see it as a threat. OH and its gonna be free online gaming for Revolution. How much is it again for Xbox 360?¿
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. December 2005 @ 01:01
25. December 2005 @ 12:10 |
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Try to write in paragraphs
Sony PS2 (Playstation 2) Slimline (V12) GH-035-71
Sony Playstion 2 Region: NTSC (North America - USA and Canada)
DVD-/+R: Verbatim DVD-/+R 1x-8x 4.7GB MCC and PRO-DATA DVD-R 4x 4.7GB
DMS4 Lite Modchip + ToxicBIOS Ver. 1.3 + Possible Fix
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Software: DVDDecrypter, Nero, and Alcohol 120%
25. December 2005 @ 12:27 |
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will do next time
Senior Member
26. December 2005 @ 02:42 |
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The facts are that most people are going to buy which system they choose whether or not they have a HD TV or nice sound system in their homes. Chances of nintendo ruling this next gen are slim to none.
26. December 2005 @ 10:41 |
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The reason REV wont "rule" the next gen is because it (NINTENDO) made a reputaion of itself as a console targeting (90%) kids and like 10% teanagers and adults. PS3 and 360 on the other hand have wide ranges of games rating from E-AO and most of PS and XBOX games are usually T-M, unlike NINTENDO games, 99% are rated E. People want to have fun and play different types of games, not 6-10 stupid MArio party games
Sony PS2 (Playstation 2) Slimline (V12) GH-035-71
Sony Playstion 2 Region: NTSC (North America - USA and Canada)
DVD-/+R: Verbatim DVD-/+R 1x-8x 4.7GB MCC and PRO-DATA DVD-R 4x 4.7GB
DMS4 Lite Modchip + ToxicBIOS Ver. 1.3 + Possible Fix
Dual Shock Controller
Dual Shock 2 Controller
8MD Memory Card
Burner: Sony DVD RW DW-D26A
Software: DVDDecrypter, Nero, and Alcohol 120%