No Dashboard
18. November 2005 @ 12:25 |
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A while ago i tried to mod my xbox and had a hard time doing so. when i finally did my xbox wouldnt let me go online. i got nervous becuase i take good care of my xbox so i went into my new dashboard and deleted everything that wasnt there before and now i have no dashboard and it wont play games. so i came to this site to seek help.if anyone can help me it would be most appriciated. reply soon.
18. November 2005 @ 12:42 |
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What did you delete when you freaked out. If you deleted your C drive then hopefully you had it backed up, if not your gonna have to download it or find another way to obtain the files.
19. November 2005 @ 12:18 |
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I did pretty much the same thing. Only I formatted my E and C drive. My xbox will still play games. I have a backup of my E drive on my computer. If I could FTP my xbox I could fix it. Is there a game out there that lets you change your network settings, or a game that lets you copy files onto your xbox. I also want to know if one of these games - Splinter Cell, 007, or Mechassault - lets you load the LINUX screen from your memory card.
Alex :-)
20. November 2005 @ 22:49 |
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Yeah i had the same problem, this error 16 came on the screen saying "the xbox needs servicing"... It also says ring the customer sevice line... F**ck that.. at $2.85 a minute i got much better ideas... lol
So error 17 is a dashboard error yes?... Anyone know how much thats gonna cost? (in Aussie Dollars)
There is no irreparable problem! Always solutions.
You cannot kill what you did not create - Slipknot
22. November 2005 @ 08:28 |
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Unfortunately, the one thing tutorials do not stress enough is to BACK UP YOUR EEPROM. This will pretty much save you from any mess you might get in.
If you do have your eeprom then you are in good shape and should look into remaking your xbox hard drive, you can use "Xboxhdm", a very easy tool.
If you do not have your eeprom but you can still load games, you can either try reloading the exploit or hotswapping your drive. Hotswapping involves switching the IDE cable with one on your computer while both devices are running. This can be done safely if you do it correctly. Only attempt this after you carefully research how to do it.
If you do not have your eeprom and can not load games... you're xbox is pretty much dead. However, there is a rather timely way to retrieve your eeprom but it does require a second modded xbox and some circuitry skills. Check this out if you choose to attempt this method:
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. November 2005 @ 08:29
22. November 2005 @ 22:36 |
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Well for a start, i dunno what any of that "eeprom" or "xboxhdm" stuff is... if its some sort of backup disk for the Xbox then no i havent got it, im not that good at that sort of shit, i only play it, not tamper with it... Is there any way that it can be repaired, or are u saying that xbox is f**cked all together?
That error message i get has a number 16 in the top left hand corner, in a reference i found it to be a problem with the "dashboard"... Can someone please tell me whats going on? how serious is it? and how do I fix it and for what approximate cost?
There is no irreparable problem! Always solutions.
You cannot kill what you did not create - Slipknot
Senior Member
23. November 2005 @ 02:55 |
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Wait so wut thats saying is the dash isnt located on the original HD?
Because mine just died and i was going 2 do a HD swap using and modchip. Id like to still use live could this work?
23. November 2005 @ 03:39 |
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Nah the dash was in there originally, i havent altered anything...
I think i wacked the f**ker a bit too hard when that nuisance "dirty disk" message came up... lol
Yeah, so no-one has any ideas of what to do then? post back soon plz.
There is no irreparable problem! Always solutions.
You cannot kill what you did not create - Slipknot
Senior Member
2. December 2005 @ 14:47 |
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Srry for taking so long to get back. Here if you have modded ur xbox with a chip you should try using slayer auto installer disk or AID(auto installer deluxe) google it. They both have the latest versions of the M$ dashboard. I used it when my hd got wacked to hard also. Replaced with one my friend gave me and booted up slayer w/ duox 2 modchip works great.