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XBOX 360 and SONY are both COMPETITIONs
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21. November 2005 @ 08:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i cant believe my eyes at this BULL that guy TYPED... HAHAHAHA... 1st off... if those companies decided to take their games else where, there is a good reason. You want to know a SECRET! Well as you all know PS2 couldnt handle DOA3 or DOA Volleyball as well as u know the best GAME OUT THERE=P... HALO 1 and HALO 2. Sony knows that HALO is their biggest threats. Bungie knows the risks on 1 little mistake from them. XBOX 360 and BUNGIE both decided to show how POWERFUL they are compared to SONY and their PS3 by releasing their best SELLER/Online Mass Multiplayer GAME HALO 3 when PS3 launches in early or late June of 06. I think im bluffing. Use either or to search for the information. As soon as i find it. You bet i am goin to post it on here to prove my POINT. That is what forums are about... To get points through others that wont believe or dont believe. Bottomline is those other company games left because Sony is going to need all the help they can get. Look at PGR 3... AMAZING graphics and the STATISTICs are almost the SAME so dont start jumping to conclusions that PS3 WON because they have a way better GRAPHICS CARD... its not just on the performance of the system.. but how they use it to their ADVANTAGE... XBOX is from MICROSOFT... MICROSOFT is from COMPUTERs... MICROSOFT knows COMPONENTs... and how to use them. Sony barey started manufacturing computers with the VAIO ... and run on WINDOWs ... another program created from MICROSOFT... so u see alot of people are underestimating MICROSOFT... the Nintendo Revolution might come back... u never know.. Nintendo has been pretty quiet for a while and dont forget about Sega.. they are coming back as well between late 06 or early 08... read and check the statistics and preview the games before you judge a game console;)
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21. November 2005 @ 12:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sony makes many electronics, not only VAIO, they make tv's almost anything you can imagine sony probably mad ealready. Not to mention VAIO is one of todays bests computers. Not saying that microsoft cpus are bad , probably are they best since $icrosoft made windows..duh

sega isnt making any system. They got killed with the dreamcast. lol , sega just produces games now. Nintendo is going todo the same if revolution is least selling system again.

DONT FORGET TAHT PS3 ALREADY has 160 games in development lol. The system isnt even out yett. Halo is an awsom game, but ps3 will dominate in rpg's and dont forget that who ever had a ps2 will most likely have the third one aswell

ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.

Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)

Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. November 2005 @ 12:50

21. November 2005 @ 21:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ahh man.. here we go again... notice y PS3 spend most of their time trying to fix their bugs... giving more time for companies to make more games... RPGs!... they should take em off the market. who is going to spend almost half a year in 1 game... for a simple purpose to do whatever it is that you want... they have VIRTUAL REALITY GAMEs for that... another thing... VAIO aint the BEST COMPUTER out there=))... LOL.. IBM is... y do u think its so EXPENSIVE... VAIO is good.. SONY is good... if HALO 2 took out PS2.. lets hope that SONY will not underestimate XBOX 360... in my OPINION... HALO 3 will DOMINATE... but yea your right.. u have your RPGs... PS3 will always WIN with their RPGs... if they didnt have good sellings RPGs.. they would be out of the COMPETITION and this.. most already KNOW... SEGA has a PROTOTYPE i still dont know what its called.. i will look up for it and post it on here... as well as the STATISTICS on both XBOX 360 and PS3 ... its funny how XBOX plans to drop HALO 3 when PS3 launches... ASK YOURSELF WHY?... why not when the XBOX 360 comes out... should have been the LAUNCH GAME but its not... have to wait till mid of 06 for HALO 3. READ more about COMPUTERs because VAIO is not one of the BEST computers out there... they are some what expensive... waste of money if u ask me... but none-the-less not very good quality:) your better off with an HP=P
Junior Member
22. November 2005 @ 05:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

first of Halo 2... BOOOOO!!!! too EASY!!

second Xbox got scared they pushed their halo 3 to 2007 and halo 3 will not strike when ps3 comes out, and if you think halo 3 is gona dominate all? guess what ? sony has back up thats where Re-Make of Final Fantasy VII comes in for PS3, and thats whats going to collide with halo 3 not ps3 the system,

Sony is not dumb as u think it is, Sony is waiting to see how will 360 do in market place, will it flop? will it rise? will it stay same? once micrsoft is happy with whatever happened, Sony will Clash! and dominate all =P

P.S. look for articles in

~ill crush u in Halo too =P bring it!

~All Hail Sony~

Yesh i just dominated =P =P =P =P

-Thanks for ur help

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. November 2005 @ 05:04

22. November 2005 @ 08:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hmmm.. you must be joking to try and compare a 1st person SHOOTER with an RPG!... man you dont know vid games... and ILL DESIMATE you on HALO 2 HAHAHA... im DEATH... true meaning of my name=]... when u see me... your DEAD or will say DEATH!... because ... its just what i do best=D... n second off... HALO 3 had some problems as i checked some sources out... not from the net but from a friend of mine he works @ gamestop so yea its pretty sufficient. PS3 is GOOD ive said it like 6 times already. XBOX 360 is good as well. Video wise i dont know yet. They both look good.. both sneak peaks @ E3 are pretty even as of now. Im goin to say this once more... ONLY TIME WILL TELL whenever PS3 launches and XBOX 360 brings out their BEST GAME/s for 360... and HALO 3 isnt the only game that will revolutionize XBOX => ... keep reading up on it... and no its not DOA 4 either... by next year more people should KNOW;] till then... keep backing up your precious PS3... MICROSOFT has OWNED SONY for the LONGEST till now.. that they came up with a GAME CONSOLE!... finally MICROSOFT will prove a point once more... RPGs arent really that GREAT!... thats all i see coming from PS3 that will help them out=D

GO XBOX 360!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >=>
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22. November 2005 @ 10:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's mostly on what one thinks, if one does not like shooter games, they wont buy halo, if one likes rpgs they will buy an rpg. There are more rpg fans than shooter gams. HALO is an amayszing games but illrather prefer a good rpg like ff, than HALO. NOT to mention , shooter games end more quickly, and xbox has one super good game which is halo, but htat only one, i dont find any other good games for xbox. Other hand playstation has many many many great games.

ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.

Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)

Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu

Senior Member
22. November 2005 @ 10:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lmao this is the funniest thread ever.
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22. November 2005 @ 11:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol so true.

ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.

Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)

Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu

22. November 2005 @ 11:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I dont see whts so great about Xbox, my friend has one, i used to go over and play halo, he had like 50 other games but halo was the only one we play cuz the rest were boring as hell. I havea ps2, and there so much more variety. I have en eye toy, Time crisis and the gun, friend has the ddr mat, I like interactive types of games. the only game i hear about for xbox is HALO HALO HALO, and it aint even that fun. Ive seen wht it has done to pple, have u see those vids on obsesed halo 2 players? Agressive gamer? Here s the link: lmao i know someone exactly like him. In my opinion FPS's are better left on PC, counter strike on XBOX?!?!? well yea theres my thoughts.
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22. November 2005 @ 11:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
PPl wil go kookoo if counterstrike came out fdor the new concoles !!

ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.

Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)

Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu
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22. November 2005 @ 13:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
allright its time for me to do my work.first of all look at the rpgs comin to the x360 elder scrools, enCHANTarm, ff11, blue dragon, and lost odysee. will take lead the way in japan youve got gow and halo 3 which will for sure have AWESOME online play. xbox 360 is also by far the coolest looking system. Also im gonna say that the ps3 and the ps3 will have the same graphics for 2 reasons games for the x360 are running at %30 power for the x360 also it will be impossible for developers to harness the full power of the os3
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22. November 2005 @ 13:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
allright its time for me to do my work.first of all look at the rpgs comin to the x360 elder scrools, enCHANTarm, ff11, blue dragon, and lost odysee. will take lead the way in japan youve got gow and halo 3 which will for sure have AWESOME online play. xbox 360 is also by far the coolest looking system. Also im gonna say that the ps3 and the ps3 will have the same graphics for 2 reasons games for the x360 are running at %30 power for the x360 also it will be impossible for developers to harness the full power of the os3
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22. November 2005 @ 13:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
allright its time for me to do my work.first of all look at the rpgs comin to the x360 elder scrools, enCHANTarm, ff11, blue dragon, and lost odysee. will take lead the way in japan youve got gow and halo 3 which will for sure have AWESOME online play. xbox 360 is also by far the coolest looking system. Also im gonna say that the ps3 and the ps3 will have the same graphics for 2 reasons games for the x360 are running at %30 power for the x360 also it will be impossible for developers to harness the full power of the os3
22. November 2005 @ 21:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok online play is fun and all, but im pretty sure a few years from now the ps3 graphics will kill 360s. Gran turismo 4 has xbox graphics, so if u think the graphics look the same now a few years when developers learn how to use all of ps3's power the graphics will be mindblowing. And those RPG's you mentioned... sorry but... i never heard of them, and i think revolutions the best looking, and the ps3 has a nice design, no ugly disk trays. 360s design... its not bad but it looks like it ll tip over if u put it on its sied
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23. November 2005 @ 17:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

ad_buddies java irc applet :
23. November 2005 @ 19:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
aight.... let me set some things straight for you dumb people....

I'm sick of people proclaiming how superior the xbox is to the ps2...
the xbox came out approx a year after the ps2... so of course.. IT SHOULD BE GRAPHICALLY SUPERIOR

just as the PS3 shall... and will be superior to the 360...

I admit... halo is an amazing game.. but halo alone will not force people to buy a xbox 360... I for one refuse to buy a 360 just because I love the halo games... dropping 400 dollars for a 70 dollar game is idiotic...

processing specs are read by teraflops and the ps3 is supposed to be more than double the xbox 360s... not to mention the ps3 will support 1080p ... bluetooth tech for 7 controllers.. blu-ray disc, which means more space for game data.. has a higher main memory bandwidth.. and this is the real shocker... sony is gonna try to hit the system at 120 fps (frames per second).. and in case you dont know already.. there isnt a television out that can handle 120 fps... they are currently in production though.... if Killzone and Metal Gear Solid actually turn out to look as they do based on the simulations... the 360 will turn into another dreamcast...

I'm sorry people... I had my 360 reserved.. and was all about getting one and forgetting about the PS3.. but after seeing the trailers for the PS3 and reading up on the specs that truely matter.. I canceled my pre-order and I will not get a 360...

for those of you who did... good luck.. my buddy got one.. and Im not impressed.. he got Madden 06, Condemned, and Call Of Duty 2... and neither game impressed me as far as graphics are concerned... not the trailer for Killzone.. thats impressive...

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. November 2005 @ 19:58

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23. November 2005 @ 20:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
LOL I wanna see the look on this guys face when Halo 3 comes out and completely SUCKS compared to PS3 games.

Actually...Sony is WELL ahead of Microsoft at this time. Hell, Microsoft hasn't even started to make profits on their Xboxes. So if you wanna hurt an Xbox.
Im sure you will big guy.
its funny how XBOX plans to drop HALO 3 when PS3 launches... ASK YOURSELF WHY?
Because Microsoft knows they will get raped up the ass when PS3 comes out, so they're doing everything they can not to make it hurt as bad.

AMD Athlon 64 3700+ @2.8Ghz ///1.5GB Corsair XMS
Radeon X800PRO///ASRock939-DualSATAII Motherboard
PowerLiner 400Watt PSU///Logitech X-530 5.1 Surround Sound///NEC Double Layer DVD Burner///Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 PRO

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. November 2005 @ 20:44

23. November 2005 @ 23:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
They are releasing Halo 3 at the same time as the PS3 because they want to nullify its effect. And Microsoft is not ahead of Sony AT ALL. While both made losses on each game console they sold. Sony actually ended up with a profit and Microsoft could only reduce their loss from the XBox slightly near the end of its life. But Microsoft can afford it. Halo 3 will probably be a good game but I doubt it will push game sales that much. Who is willing to buy a game console for US$400 just to play one game???? Sony has many games to give people reasons to buy it. Like Gran Turismo, Ace Combat, multiple good RPGs like Star Ocean and Final Fantasy and lots of good platformers. And Sony makes good electronics. If you're going to get a HDTV for your XBox 360 Sony is a very very good choice.
27. November 2005 @ 14:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dont forget about Sega.. they are coming back as well between late 06 or early 08
Where did you get that from? I mean, if you are typing something like this you should at least point a link or something.

I searched on the web and this was the best I could find:
I?m not going to spoil the surprise but?Sega will have something EXTRA special at this year?s TGS..and it?s not arcade or software related?
Check out this link if you want more:


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27. November 2005 @ 14:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
They are releasing Halo 3 at the same time as the PS3 because they want to nullify its effect.
Did you forget about all the current realeaes on ps2? Well first of all, ff12 is ocmming this Jan, kingdom hearts is comming soon and much more. This wil nulify xbox 360 affect aswell>> Personally i would rather wait for ff12 than byu a 360. Im sure many other ppl do aslwe..
FF7 acme out arround a month after the dreamcast came out, and that almost completly nuilified SD>
Halo 3, in my oppinion wont have any effect, expecially when the majority of Japan and China dont even know what "halo" is.
Who is willing to buy a game console for US$400 just to play one game????
An idiot would,,,,lol dont forget + 50$ for the game aswell, i completly agree with taht.

ps3:GPU-24 pipelines producing 5.7 ops each
-700mhz ram.
-On par with geforce 7800
-rsx at 550mhz
-rsx is 1.8 tflops
ps3:CPU-Cell processor
-total of 8 spe's running at 3.2 ghz.
Cell is 218GFLOPS.

Computer Hp pavilion a700n
448 mb of ram(upgrading it to 1gb)
(going to have geforce 7800 soon)
Currently(a shitty intergrated via/s3)

Information about ps3's rsx is on:
Information about The xbox360 and ps3's gpu

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. November 2005 @ 14:52

28. November 2005 @ 04:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
FF7 acme out arround a month after the dreamcast came out, and that almost completly nuilified SD
I don't think so. FF7 came out in 9/31/97 and I bet most people remember the Dreamcast launch campaign and its launch date 9/9/99. But you aren't that far from the truth, FF8 was released in 9/31/99, a couple of weeks after the Dreamcast launch and yes, it got some attention off Sega for a while, I remember.


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28. November 2005 @ 09:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im gonna get both systems, but there is thing im concerned about if it is coming out in spring why is there now real game play footage, is it because the real graphics dissapointing to what was expected and promised???
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