Hello, i'm sort of intermediate to video encoding. My main question is,is it possibale to convert 25 fps. to 23.976 fps. in vd mod setting the input to 23.976 and the output to 23.976 fps. useing full processing mode, just the video. the reason why i ask is i get a lot of movies in avi. format at 25 fps. and i use canopus procoder to convert them to dvd mpeg2 useing 3:2 pulldown with a 90% success rate. that means no screen jerk or snyc problems. it is the only software the does it well. and of course if i get a movie that is avi. 23.976 fps. and do the same thing i get 95% success rate. and i can also use tmpegenc for the 3:2 pulldown but only for avi. 23.976 fps. not 25fps. canopus usally takes that one on. but once in a while even in canopus i get snyc problems if the source is 25 fps. only 10% or so. so what i what to do is convert 25fps. to 23.976 fps. in vd mod strip the audio and then use a dvd authoring prog. to put then back together. Now... i took a file that was avi. 25 fps. and converted it to 23.976. in vd mod and the result was perfect no screen jerk. and i striped the audio to wave. but when i put them back together useing multiple progs. useing 3:2 pulldown i got screen jerk. another question would be just how ( in theory ) could it be possable to take 25 in one sec. and then make 23.976 (or 24)fps. without it ether dropping one frame or making the standard second slightly shorter. it seems it would have to be one or the other. so i took a file that was 20 sec. long, 30 fps. put it in vd mod, converted it to 23.976 fps. and the file said it was now 25 sec long but it really wasn't... 25 fps. mpeg to 30 fps. mpeg,ntsc seems impossible. but is there a way to convert avi. files framerates first and then convert them? my file of choice to convert to dvd is avi. at 23.976 fps. then use the 3:2 pulldown, whitch i don't know what the 3:2 stands for. and as for as converting anything 30 fps. to 30 fps. witch sounds ideal, never works. and i've done that on 4 different computers useing tons of progs. useing differnt settings and all the newest codecs and good video cards. i hope knowone runs from these questions. they are differnt. so thanx to whoever can help me.