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Private ftp help
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Junior Member
7. March 2003 @ 14:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi i woluld love to set up a privat ftp server for me and my sister and my computers but i dont want to pay for a server. can someone tell me how i can set up my own ftp server without paying for one and give me information on this. thanks in advaced.

frank greco

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. March 2003 @ 15:12

7. March 2003 @ 15:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

And don't use your email address please.


I'm back...
...can't you smell the fear?
Junior Member
12. March 2003 @ 11:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah i know but how would i set it up do i need to use some kind of coding and shit. please tell me.
17. March 2003 @ 01:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First, SmartFTP is ftp-client, not server-software.

Second, running actual FTP-server you got many options, thou most aren't totally free by default. I will list few what you might want to test (and quite many uses up so far on "scene")

WarFTPdaemon. Totally free for private usage, excellent one, IF you know allready a bit bout FTP-servers. Can be difficult for "newbie", but try it anyway.

Next two are maybe most popular. Ease of usage & setup, for sure,
Bulletproof and Serv-U, but are not freeware. Thou, if you're on to "scene" you don't find that problematic, cough, cough...:) Use Google, you can find those basicly everywhere.

Programs mentioned above for windoze. There are fukloads of other such programs too, easy to find from download sites.
Junior Member
17. March 2003 @ 15:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It seems like all of you are very helpful but what I want to do is have to computers together meaning I can transfer files from my computer to the computer in my other room threw this. I do not own a site or a host or even a server so if this is the thing i use then can you telll me again thanks and I appreciate all your help.
17. March 2003 @ 23:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
To be honest fgreco you last message is bit contradict to your first. So, now you're saying instead having FTP, your real problem is how to transfer files between your two pc's? That would be basic LAN (Local Area Network) then, of course depending much about what operating you're currently using for your pc's atm.
Anyway, check out this site:

Also, ICS (=Internet Connection Sharing) is explained there.
Junior Member
31. March 2003 @ 19:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I suggest serve-U4.0,which is widely used as I know and is quite simple.

live on internet!
Junior Member
1. April 2003 @ 06:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi I really wasn't trying to contradict myself it is just I have two computers and I don't want to network them I just want to use the ftp. server to transfer files from both computers and thanks for all your help everyone.
Junior Member
1. April 2003 @ 08:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
to network them is much easier than setup FTP!
Good luck
8. April 2003 @ 12:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok, I see what you are getting at here. I believe he means that he is looking for a free web service for file storage that may offer FTP as a method of uploading/downloading files. If this is the case, you are looking for web based file storage. Here are some links to such services (Yes, many of these include FREE service):
9. April 2003 @ 12:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

i can give you to options.
first of all by ftp
second by networking.

oke first of all get bulletproof server and bulletproofclient.

put the server on the machine you have the files on you want to transfer and the client on the other maschine.
if you have any probs setting these up use the helpfiles.

you can also put the server software on the other maschine to cause you can connect to the server also with iexplorer.

but my option would be to get the program
Filesharing for net.
if you just want do to it one way only.
it is extreem easy to set up and as with bulletproof no scripting is needed.
its a web based ftpserver

but either way you.ll have to make sure that both comp have their own id,s like ccxxxxx-a
for main comp and ccxxxxx-b for the other.

but the best thing to do the very best thing is to get 2 network-cards put them in the comp put a cable between them install -nat software and you,re up and running.
especially out of security-reasons it is the best and safest option.

the way to do this is decriped in the link from
easycola. there is explained how to setup a comp network. > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - p2p software > private ftp help

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