Hello, newbie here. I hope I'm posting in the right section of the forums. I have tried conducting a search on this site as well as other forums for answers to my current plight, but alas, I cannot find a solution to my ailment. I'm hoping someone out there can guide me in the right direction.
I am trying to create a video in Windows Movie Maker for a project at school. All I need is ONE little clip from Disney's "Aladdin" (these details are not really necessary to explain, but I want to convey the full effect of my efforts to figure this out on my own). Anyhoos, I downloaded DVDFab Decrypter to upload the entire DVD onto my hard drive. That worked out all fine and good. My next problem came about when I realized that all the clips had ".vob" extentions which do not work in Windows Movie Maker. So I renamed the files trying the extentions ".avi", ".mpg", and ".mpeg". These files WILL play both audio and video in Windows Media Player with no problem. Here is the REAL problem:
When I import the new renamed files into Windows Movie Maker and try to insert them into the timeline, they automatically go into the "audio" section instead of the "video." Then when I try to play the preview, I get neither audio nor video, it's just black.
I am assuming I need to encode/decode/something-to-that-effect the media files, but I am clueless on how to accomplish such a task. Or perhaps it's something else entirely... can anyone out there PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me with this? I would greatly appreciate any suggestions/solutions you may be able to offer! Thanks in advance.