I've got a bit of a situation now. I have an x-box, ps2, and a dvd player, all which I use s-video for. My only problem is that both the tv and the Yamaha reciever I have only has one s-video outlet. So what I have to do is switch out the s-video every time I want to use a different system. Becasue of that, I even ended up breaking the s-video for the ps2. The question I have is what is the best solution for swapping? I've seen boxes that allow you to plug in the video from different systems, and then you just select the system you are using, but I also use optical audio on each of them too. Are there boxes that allow you to plug in optical and s-video, thus fixing any swapping... or is the problem with my reciever?
You can get a box that's basically an A, B, C, D switch. Can plug four s-video sources into it and one s-video out to tv.
I think they run about $20 - $25 at Radio Shack.
you said you have Yamaha receiver if that case you don't need to have more than one s.vdeo just plug all s.video out from any soure to s video in off receiver and from receiver only need one out to tv you done, with setup and any time you change only by remote receiver.
@ dulce1163
he mentioned he has only 1 s-video connection on the receiver. unless its an older unit, i can see what you mean, but if its new, then it in theory, should have more then one, alone with component, coax, and opticals...