---- EPISODES ----
3 product reviews
11. March 2003 @ 20:12 |
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How do I Rip , Author & Burn episodes ?
Baring in mind that I can already get a DVD-9 on a single DVD-R.
Smartripper 2.41
DVD2One 1.02
The problem arises in DVD2One (amazing proggie that has changed my life,thanks go to _loaded_ for posting the 1st guide that I saw).DVD2One has given me 100% success with movies but I'm trying to back up BLACKADDER GOES FORTH and there is no way to select all episodes as it normally wants to take just the title file (main movie).
Anyone out there that feels they might be able to help me on this matter would be appreciately recieved!!: )-~
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12. March 2003 @ 00:05 |
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what you need to do is take just the main vobs only and put them into a different folder then use ifoedit to create new ifos for them, the problem you are having is that episodes are all seperate pgc`s so when you create the ifos in ifoedit make sure create one pgc and same as source are selected.
when its finished you can use dvd2one and it will see the episodes as one big one.
if you are keeping the menu make sure you allow enough space when you compress, once its finished take just the vobs and put them back in with the original and use ifoupdate to change your original ifo to match the compressed vobs.
12. March 2003 @ 04:08 |
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Hello Herbsman. Pleased you were able to use the guide. The problem with DVD2ONE and episodes is that it processes only the longest title, or program chain. Have a look at this new guide of mine:
This may compress some of your episodes quite a lot, but give it a go anyway and let me know the results.
I'm back...
...can't you smell the fear?
3 product reviews
12. March 2003 @ 12:20 |
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Cheers for speedy reply guys , I'll go and see what mischief I can get into trying that thread/guide.
Respect loaded
herbsman!; )-~
19. March 2003 @ 04:03 |
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have a look at doom9 forum there is a DVD2One add on called "Make It Easy" written by JDOBBS that will cure this problem. i have backed up x-files dvd's using this great little program.
3 product reviews
20. March 2003 @ 07:27 |
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Oi , good call Darrell !: )-~
I'd not heard of this add-on/plug-in.
If it works I'll roll a fat one & pass it around
3 product reviews
21. March 2003 @ 20:25 |
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darrell jdobbs is just giving it
''download the 1.1.1 version''
-- which is of no use to me --
22. March 2003 @ 08:58 |
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the reason that he is doing that is that the new version of dvd2one 1.1.1 does away with the need to use Makeiteasy, as it allows you to copy all of the disc and not just single PGC's. it really speeds the process up. if you still want it then do a search on "makeiteasy" at doom9. look for version "16" if still stuffed give me an e-mail
3 product reviews
22. March 2003 @ 12:58 |
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I've tried a search with no joy homeboy!
[Sorry Herbsman, I need to remove this address, try the Private Message sevice]
[edited by Loaded]
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. March 2003 @ 06:53
24. March 2003 @ 06:54 |
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Guys, please try to keep your emails address out of the threads. Try the Private Messaging Service.
I'm back...
...can't you smell the fear?
3 product reviews
24. March 2003 @ 13:48 |
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Yeah sorry about that Paul.
I've had success with EPISODAL DVD-R now so all's good in the world : )
DVD2One 1.1.1 Fantastic proggie