I've had a couple of cd's just work flawlessly, and the rest I get to 2-3% and it freezes up. Ive been doing searches for weeks, and no luck on what may solve this. Ive formatted the pc, updated firmware, reinstalled nero & upgraded. I still get the power calibration, or calibration error.
Problem is...Ive been using 4 kinds of CD-R(W)'s.
Memorex CD-R(white top, purple lettering)(first 10 pack came in slim jewel cases) 48x burned fine.
Then I got a 50 pack of imation which none of them will work or be read for a CD speed test in nero.
I then tried a 30 pack of memorex cdr's (silverish face, goldish bottom) Some of them work, some don't.
All the CDRW's(memorex, blue bottom white top & the 1 that came with the burner) Ive used have worked fine @ 12x.