lets take a moment to reflect, you, bestmiller, have been called out, not once, not twice, not three times, but four times from other members......... no i am not here to start a flame war, but having that amout of members saying that either they will not help you anymore, or have given you the info needed to accomplish what you are looking for, even give you a walk through how to do something, and you have yet to understand, we/us/me are not here cuz we are getting paid to do it, but instead, using our free time & knowledge to help you.
you are trying to do too many things too fast and you yourself are becoming confused with what you are asking and the things you are trying to do. i understand you got a new computer and eager to learn, but take things one step at a time. once you master a skill, move on, try things differently, step it up a notch..
you should be thankful your threads have been answered, there are several threads in here, way older then yours that have not gotten a single answer.
understand this, when help is given to you freely and you dont understand the first time, i will let it slide, but when you, for a lack of better words, ask basically the same question over and over, it gets old real fast. i am a highly skilled auto technician by trade, and believe me, when i have a helper work for me, or any other rookie technician in the feild, and i have to babysit or hold his hand, it pisses me off, not only am i loosing money that way, but time too.......... and in my line of work, time is money
if you try to teach someone your skills and knowledge, and the person on the other end is not receptive to what you are trying to teach, then it begins to make you upset. it's like trying to teach a dog a new trick who refuses to learn it.... tends to get old..
in closing, i regret getting mad at you, but please understand where i am coming from. everything has be laid out for you, the tools are here, utilize them... learn from other threads, members, guides, and most importantly, trial and error.
not a single person in here i am sure, got everything perfect the first time around. it takes practice my friend.
use this site, people's knowledge, skills, time, and guides to your advantage. if at first you dont succeed, try, try, and try again.
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69