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Is this Possible... Read Below
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17. March 2003 @ 21:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hmm..could it be possible for someone to build a mp3 plugin for nero that
1.) reads LYRICS3 Tags
2.) removes the ""digital"" silence from the mp3 file (so when the track crossovers it sounds like yo never know the track changed)
3.) aranges the mp3 so that it matches frame boundary..

Also... could someone make a nero plugin that allows to burn Sonic Foundry Perfect Clarity Audio Files.. (it would be soo great if they did).... Reply back... i wanna se if thats possible

Deszerted.... I'm here not by choice.... but situation...
17. March 2003 @ 22:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
AFAIK there's already software that is able to do what you want (Winamp Plugin?). It's not the easiest way but you could use Winamp Diskwriting Plugin and burn the .wav(s) with nero to audio CD.

If you want the plugins you suggested, you should look for the sources of applications that can already do what you want outside of nero, tell Mausau ( where he can get them and ask him to make these plugins.
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19. March 2003 @ 08:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What do u want nero 2 read the lyrics tag for?
There "digital" silence u are talking about, that is possible already.
When you start a compilation, choose Audio CD, drop all ur files in the window.
Then, select all the tracks and right-click em, then select properties
Then in the "Pause" box, you can change it to '0'. Then there will be no silence whatso-ever between the tracks. If the silence is recorded in one of the MP3s, just select that MP3, right-click then properties.
Then choose the "Indexes, Limits, Split" Tab and you can cut the silence out.
Im not sure what you wanna do at #3 but maybe something that's in the 'filters' tab? dunno.
as for the plugin, i dont have any better site than the one that tigre said.
Good luck!


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19. March 2003 @ 18:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
obieobied. this is for you..
Why would i need lyrics 3 tag??
Dont you know when Groups rip mp3 that they have longer file names but its NOT from ID3 2 or ID3 1.. Its in the lyrics3 tag.. get a tag editor that reads lyris and you will

the silence thing..

Im not some rookie that doesnt know how to use the index stuff.. im talking about the mp3 format its self.. if you wanna know.. mp3's dont start off exactly 0 ms... it has a .18 ms offset.. thats why when you have a loop of 2 mp3s it has that small gap in it.. (its digital silence) bc in winamp you can use their (digital silence) removal plug in.(also.. these files dont have a 2 sec gap in them its exactly form the cd when they mastered it) so it sounds like the track didnt chance instead of this small 3 to 5 frame gap in the cd track..

now remember and read carefully.. im not talking about the nero's trimmer.. im talking about the Mp3 format itsself..

Now the seconds thing.. you know the format called SONIC FOUNDRY PERFECT CLARITY AUDIO (PCA).. i was wondering if its possible that they could make a plugin to be able to burn cd's in nero with this format on the fly..

Now ifyou think im still talking about index gaps.. Im NOT

now can you really find someone who understands what im talking about to reply...

That Nigga Gamer G!!!

Deszerted.... I'm here not by choice.... but situation... > forums > digital audio > audio > is this possible... read below

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